Replay Link: "Fast Niche Brainstorming" Fun, Free Training!

Published: Wed, 01/08/14

We had a really fun session today on Fast Niche Brainstorming!
This training is great for ANYone working online, or that wants to work online. You're sure to pick up a tip you can put into action immediately - for fast results.

Click here to listen to this session:

Niche marketing is simple. It's not nearly as complicated as most people make it out to be, and you don't need to spend endless hours doing tedious research.
I'm all about fast action and even faster results.

Listen in at the link above to see what I mean. ;-)

As you probably know, I've just released a new self-paced "start to profit" course called Niche Success Blueprint. I ran a special offer on the course that ended last night, but if you missed out - I want to give you another opportunity to take advantage of the lower price.

Simply go to this link:

You'll find that the post is password protected.

The password is: secretaccess

I had several other options at incredibly low rates, including a private one-on-one hour with me brainstorming YOUR business or idea, or access to my Private Brainstorming Group where I can work with you hands-on - which also includes access to the new Niche Success Blueprint course.

You'll find those options, and the discounts, at the link above. The password for that post is also: secretaccess

NOTE: I password protected those posts as the special offers ended last night. However, since you are reading this email... you are welcome to take advantage of the discounts. But only until I remove or edit those posts!

I'm off to take a nap. I'm a total introvert, so live training sessions zap my energy (lol). I have lots of emails & messages to catch up on, so I'll get to that later - along with fixing those posts.

Until then, the password and the discount links still work. Now's your chance to get in super cheap, and catch a break on a missed deadline. Enjoy!

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you want to hear what others had to say about the Fast Niche Brainstorming webinar, or leave your own feedback, see this post on my Facebook Page. Thank you!
p.p.s. You'll want to check out the password-protected posts above pretty quick. I have to get those fixed ASAP, which will happen later today or first thing in the morning. 
If you have any questions, hit reply and shoot me an email. ;-) *cheers*