A Quick Update & Two BIG Tips :)

Published: Sat, 01/18/14

Good news! I'll have the affiliate program for "Niche Success Blueprint" available for you next week if you want to earn commission recommending it to others. I have been busy working on the sales page at NicheSuccessBlueprint.com and of course I still have quite a bit of tweaking to do. Which includes adding in all the awesome testimonials. :)

As a ClickNewz subscriber, I'm happy to give you a substantial discount on the Niche Success Blueprint course if you haven't enrolled yet. Instead of using the links on the official page above, you can use the discounted links in this post:

(password: secretaccess)

Outside of that project I've been super busy this week on my low carb blog & group, and also in the ClickNewz forum. Just this morning I saw a thread that inspired this tip:

"Don't study outdated information. That includes current information... if you're not ready to implement it TODAY."

Here's the forum thread if you'd like to see it:


I'm actually writing a detailed blog post on this topic, so stay tuned for that. I think you'll find it to be a real eye-opener...

And one more tip for you, which could lead you into some fun and productive brainstorming:
"Get happy with who you are now and where you are now, or at the very least: accept & embrace it. Then decide who you want to be and where you want to go from here... and get to work!"
Easier said than done sometimes, I know. We all have our mental blocks, concerns, etc. And we tend to be real good at talking ourselves out of great ideas, or out of major life change that could be totally amazing! Why is that?? Human nature, I suppose.

Everyone deals with that, but some people break through it and achieve incredible things. What makes them different? Another good question. The only thing you really need to know is whether you want to be one of those people or not. And if you do, decide what you want to achieve and invest yourself 100% in making it happen!

That's all for today. :-)

I hope you're having a great weekend!

Lynn Terry

p.s. Join us on Facebook! You'll find the ClickNewz community chatting away at http://www.facebook.com/lynnterrybiz
p.p.s. If you missed my "Fast Niche Brainstorming" training session, you can watch it here (free). Everyone LOVED it. Enjoy!