Nashville, April 12th + Some "Useless Advice" :-)

Published: Thu, 03/27/14

Even if you're not near Nashville, you'll want to check this out. I'm referring to Blogging Concentrated which is a one-day local event for intermediate to advanced bloggers:

If you're in or near the Nashville area, seats are getting seriously limited for the April 12th event! I'll be there, and really look forward to meeting more local bloggers. :-)

You can search for Blogging Concentrated events in YOUR area too! Just see the link above. My local connections have been very valuable to me over the years.
In addition to Blogging Concentrated, check your area for events at and Also look up smaller get togethers in your area such as Wordcamp and Podcamp. (I'll be attending the Wordcamp event in Nashville on May 3rd as well!)

On another note, I have two new (short) videos for you:

My Advice Is Completely Useless...

Dealing With Stress & Overwhelm

You'll pick up some great Productivity Tips in both of those videos. ;-)


Lynn Terry

p.s. The hot topic around the web this week is Google's BIG action against a single site. You can hear my take on it here:
A must read if you accept guest blog posts, or do guest blogging - or just want to see what has everyone so riled up!