Weekend Update w/Free Download & Cool Resources You'll Love!

Published: Sat, 05/17/14

I have some cool free stuff for you this weekend - a download, freebie, some great resources to help you in your business, etc. Speaking of business, it's Saturday evening as I sit down to write this email to you...

I was once criticized for "working on a weekend" - at which I just smiled. :-) I love having flexible hours and working when I please. I don't live on a schedule, and certainly don't subscribe to a 9-5 lifestyle. It's one of the perks to running a business online from a home office - or from wherever I happen to be traveling.
Lately though, I've really been struggling with work. I'm sure you've been through phases like that too. I've been sick for several weeks straight. It started with a stress overload: entirely too many things on my plate at once, and not just business related but in my "real life" as well. You know what they say: when it rains it pours. :p

I'm used to stress, as a single parent and home owner and entrepreneur. But for me it's usually "eustress" (vs distress) and I power through it strategically with high energy. Not the case this time...

Stress turned into overwhelm which brought on insomnia. After a week or so of serious lack of sleep, night terrors and a mysterious rash set in, along with extreme stomach upset. It all just snowballed on me to the point that I felt absolutely miserable and couldn't seem to focus long enough to get ANYthing done.

Fortunately, like all things, "this too shall pass."
Life is funny that way. It comes in phases, and goes the same way it comes. When things are going amazingly well, you have to live it up and give it all you've got - because that phase WILL pass too. And when things are going rough, sometimes you just have to go easy on yourself - and simply do what you can, and otherwise ride it out.

During this particularly rough phase, I stuck to my golden rule: Only address the absolute highest priorities. Everything else can wait. I simply made it a point to do those tasks that were necessary to keep my life and business moving forward.

No matter how small the task, my goal is to move forward consistently - even when it's at a snail's pace (lol). Larger tasks can easily be broken down into the smallest possible tasks ("micro-tasks" I call them) even.

I'm sure you can relate. You've likely been through similar phases. It's no fun to get behind on everything, and adds to the stress when things are piling up on you day after day.
My advice: "this too shall pass" - don't sweat it. Take care of you. Then when it does pass, dive in and get your awesome back on!

While I was "down" I collected a few great resources, and regardless of where you are on things at the moment - I know you'll enjoy these as much as I did. The first is a great article that crossed my desk at the perfect time:

Ever feel overwhelmed, torn between priorities, or like your task list will never end?? Read this: http://www.earlytorise.com/concentrate-on-this/

EXCELLENT article - highly recommended!

Another great article from the same source that really got me thinking:

7 Ways to Profit From Your Passion

This got me brainstorming my business funnel, and specifically how I can improve/tweak it. These two articles also had me thinking about what I most want to focus on in my business - and analyzing my top priorities. I sat down with the question, "What do I want to do MORE of, and what do I want to do LESS of?"

It's good practice to sit down with your books and look over the last quarter, and the last year as a whole, and determine what worked (really well!) - and what didn't.
You can do this with your site stats as well. This will help you focus on those things that will grow your business fastest, and eliminate (or outsource) those things that take too much time or produce too few results.

On that note, I have another great topic to share with you. This is not the most well-written piece, but it was a good read nonetheless. It definitely sparked some ideas and deep thinking: http://www.earlytorise.com/how-to-deal-with-excuses/ Enjoy!

Speaking of reading, I have two books on my list at the moment, and you may enjoy these as well. Both come in either print or Kindle versions - whatever your preference:

Networking Is Not Working: Stop Collecting Business Cards and Start Making Meaningful Connections
I've heard good things about that ^ one, and this title by Chris Brogan grabbed my attention as a fun & inspiring read:

The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth: Entrepreneurship for Weirdos, Misfits, and World Dominators

This note is getting longer than I intended. My apologies. I do want to give you a Free Download which is a bonus from my "Social Marketing Results" course. I think you'll find it VERY useful. :-)

Free Download: Social Media Content Brainstorming:


The download references details and examples from the paid product, but the list itself is invaluable on it's own to help you come up with creative ideas to boost your social marketing efforts. Enjoy! :-)

(and feel free to share it)

Two more super-helpful social media resources you'll like:



I hope this note finds you having a great week, or kicking off a super productive week - depending on when you read it. I've been fairly quiet around the web lately and just wanted to give you an update, and some awesome resources to help you move your business forward. Which is what I'm working on myself at the moment...
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Lynn Terry

p.s. These two links aren't necessarily related to building your business, but you may enjoy them nonetheless:

1. Get an audiobook of your choice FREE, plus a 30-day trial -aff
2. Enter to win a $500 Whole Foods Market Gift Card, a $50 Amazon Gift Card OR Free Coffee for an Entire Year!
p.p.s. If I owe you an email, a response somewhere, or you're waiting on anything at all from me - I'm busily catching up. I'm still getting back on my feet and taking care of myself. Give me a bit of time and I'll be back on a roll! 