$100: My Gift To You! But Only For 9 People...

Published: Mon, 06/09/14

I just celebrated my birthday, and had such a great time on the lake enjoying the sunshine - and enjoying life in general. :) I'll share some photos with you in a minute, but first I wanted to remind you of my crazy good Birthday Special... because it's going fast, and more than half the spots are gone already!

You can get all the details on this page:


If you've ever paid for detailed training, coaching or mentoring - or you've looked into it but balked at the price - you'll KNOW this is a no-brainer deal at a ridiculously low rate. ;-)

Note: There are only NINE spots left

If you are taking my Social Marketing Results course, my Niche Success Blueprint course, or you signed up for my Private Brainstorming Group sometime in the last year - see the link above to learn how you can get a refund!

I'm on a mission to make sure no one is paying more than they have to, and EVERYONE can afford top-notch "take your business to the next level" training - for next to nothing!

I won't bore you with a sales pitch. If you're interested at all, be sure to check out the details at this link at first opportunity:


... and if you have any questions, simply hit reply and email me directly.

Here's the hot topic of the day too:

Do Affiliate Marketers Qualify As Entrepreneurs?

I would love to hear your thoughts...

Lynn Terry

p.s. I almost forgot! I promised to share "birthday weekend" pictures with you. :) Note: these are super casual, just a day on the lake with my cool fellow and my awesome danes:


(Let's connect on Google+ while you're there!)

p.p.s. I host EIGHT (yes, 8!) live "Brainstorming Hour" sessions every single month (twice a week on Monday and Thursday) for my Private Brainstorming Group.

We do live site reviews, usability reviews, talk detailed marketing strategies, and discuss current trends in online business & marketing. Don't miss out! Join us today:

Note: There are only NINE spots left (and they're going fast!)