Want To Make More Money With Your Blog?

Published: Wed, 06/18/14

Who doesn't, right?! :) These 7 worksheets are invaluable if you're thinking of working with Brands and BIG sponsors that will pay to be featured on your blog. I got them from Shannon Acheson, and you can read all about it in my blog post at:


In that post I mentioned that I've really been going into great detail on how to sell advertising and work with Brands in the last four Training Modules of my Niche Success Blueprint weekly training series.

Be sure to see the email I got from David, which I shared in that blog post too, where he shared how he's seeing success (already!) with a blog he otherwise found very difficult to monetize:


"I'd never even considered working with brands for some reason, and now see what I've been missing out on!" -David Leigh

I've been doing very well with brands, sponsors and advertisers over the last few years. I was able to get my first Site Sponsor for my low carb blog when it was barely 2 months old. I earned $750 to write a single (short) blog post on another one of my blogs for a big name (well known) brand - which is also great credibility for my Media Kit!! I've had companies give away awesome products to my readers (giveaways bring great traffic!) - and they even paid me to do it.

The options are endless, and there are TONS of opportunities out there. :-)

The Niche Success Blueprint modules I referred to were Modules 17, 18, 19 & 20. If you're enrolled and you aren't that far along yet, reply with your PayPal email address (so I can look up your account) and I'll be happy to send you those four modules if you want to "fast forward" and study that topic now.

If you're NOT enrolled in my Niche Success Blueprint course (um, why not?! lol) I'll give you an opportunity to download these four modules too - without taking the whole course. This topic is just TOO good not to share with you.

Here's what's included in this 4-Module Topical Series:

Mod 17: How To Create Your Media Kit (Checklist)
Mod 18: How To Sell Advertising & What To Charge (Simple Formula)
Mod 19: How To Find Brands, Advertisers & Sponsors - Fast!
Mod 20: How To Dramatically Increase Your Advertising Revenue

Each module is chock full of live examples, free resources, and super easy strategies you can implement immediately - for fast results. If you've been selling advertising on your blog or site already, you'll discover how you can improve your ad revenue easily and also boost your credibility - dramatically.

I share super-creative strategies that are very simple, but will really help you stand apart in your niche when it comes to selling ads or scoring paid blogging gigs. :)

You can download all four modules today for only $29. There's no mailing list, no upsell, no hoops at all - just purchase and download within seconds, and you're on your way to making even more money with your blog or website!


The NSB course is $37/month, with a new weekly training module delivered every week, so getting all four of these modules for only $29 is a great deal. ;-)

Speaking of blogging, have you seen this post:
"How To Become A Professional Blogger"
(there's a casual video from me at the end, too)

And on another note, I just discussed "my writing process" in this new blog post where I shared what I'm working on lately (and what I'm doing when I'm NOT working, lol):


You'll see that I make good use of "blank outlines" and the free Evernote program. Those two things make my life SO much easier whether I'm writing a blog post or creating a report or info product. ;-)

Lynn Terry

p.s. Don't forget to check out the link I mentioned at the very beginning of this note, and download Bloggers & Brands:


I go into a lot more detail in my NSB modules 17-20, but the media contacts section and the worksheets in Bloggers & Brands are an invaluable addition to those modules.

And if you're smart, you'll also grab these 4 Training Modules that will walk you step-by-step through selling advertising and scoring paid blogging gigs from "big brands" - and/or increase your ad revenue dramatically.
You can download all four Training Modules for only $29 using this direct link... and get started TODAY:


Note: There's something exclusive on the download page, along with an opportunity to get a full refund on your purchase of the 4-part series. ;-)