[Quickie] 7 Things You May Have Missed...

Published: Wed, 10/08/14

I shared some cool (FREE) stuff all over the place, so I wanted to make sure you had a chance to see these great resources & downloads too. I know how things can get missed in your content stream sometimes!

Here goes...

1. Twitter & HubSpot are teaming up to deliver a FREE webinar to bring you exclusive insights that your business can use to get more from Twitter!

2. How to Double Your Pinterest Followers in Just Five Minutes per Day

3. Money Discussion: "Make It Before You Spend It"

4. How to Beat Procrastination

"You must become the person you need to become in order to achieve the big goals and dreams that you want to achieve. You must do the right planning, take the right actions, make the right decisions, and eliminate the wrong obstacles that tempt you into wrong behaviors." - Craig Ballantyne of The New Early to Rise

5. The [FREE] Modern Marketer's Guide To Video Marketing

6. Rae Hoffman of SugarRae.com said, "Today's must read. If you're not "into" mobile, you'd better get into it. Because it's going to take over whether you're ready for it or not..."

How to Easily Analyze your (& your competitors) Mobile SEO Performance

7. Discussion: "I know it's important to set Money Tasks as your highest priority. But for me, it's so easy to get distracted..."

See my solution & join the discussion!

Enjoy ;-)

If we're not already connected, let's fix that! You'll find me at:

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Lynn Terry

p.s. Reminder: You only have a few more days to join us at MM Live super cheap. ;-) It's costs even less than you think, too. You'll see what I mean on the checkout page...

If I could only attend ONE event, THIS is the event I would pick!

See: http://www.clicknewz.com/10664/marketing-mayhem-san-diego/