Profit Faster Watching Successful People

Published: Wed, 12/03/14

One of the interesting things about working online is that everyone has their own way of doing things. If you took 10 people you admire that are running a successful online business and asked them all the exact same question... you'd likely get 12 different answers. :)

Why is that?

Because the internet is ever-changing and evolving, and those who are consistently successful year after year are constantly testing and implementing. Today's standards in ebiz all came from tons of trial & error, in taking the time to figure out what works, and in the sharing of that information - and others implementing it in their own way to come out with even better results.

The only way you can really learn "internet marketing" FAST is to model what others are doing successfully, and learn from those who have already done the trial & error and all the testing.

While you can get creative and test new things yourself, why reinvent the wheel? Go with what works! This is one of the things I love about attending conferences and events, or getting involved in groups online where we all freely share ideas & results.

Speaking of events, if you're looking for a GREAT event to attend, I highly recommend Marketing Mayhem Live -aff which will be in San Diego this March. I'll be there, and would LOVE to meet up with you in person there. (You should check it out because it's already almost sold out!)

While I get tons of ideas from the people in my circles, actual implementation is where it gets tricky. Sometimes I need the step-by-step, or the missing pieces. Actually I prefer a step-by-step guide I can just easily follow. :p "Make me a checklist!" lol

This reminds me of a recent conversation in Brainstorming Hour. Bill asked me about the story behind my transition from a service based business to a Super Affiliate. I purchased The Super Affiliate Handbook from Rosalind Gardner - which was the very first "ebook" I'd ever bought online, a good 7 years into my business already.

I did not just "buy an ebook". I made a decision before I downloaded that guide (then $47, but now it's only $27) that I was going to make my money back within 72 hours - using what I learned IN that guide. This was a pretty ambitious challenge, but I was NOT going to waste almost fifty bucks.

I dug straight in and not only read the guide, I implemented what I was learning AS I read through it. Applying what she was doing successfully herself, putting it into motion. And yes, I did earn my investment back within 3 days (and then some!) and went on to create a consistently $5k/month affiliate income within the same year...

Implementation is KEY.

Do you set a specific goal when you purchase training, coaching or download a guide/tutorial? If not, you should! It's amazing what you can accomplish when you really challenge yourself. :-)

This brings me to a point about the BC Stack deal I emailed you about the other day. It's 60 amazing products, worth thousands, for only 27 bucks. Some people have said it's overwhelming, or that they're concerned about having time to go through it all.

* We only have about 24 hours left before the BC Stack disappears forever, by the way.

You do NOT have to study everything at once.

In fact, I recommend you don't.

I personally don't have time to dig in before the end of the year, but I wanted the products anyway. Many of them are in line with my 2015 goals, and I'm going to need those "checklists" and "step by step guides" when I get ready to implement certain things.

Here's just a quick look at 5 of the 60 products you'll get in "the stack":

- A step by step guide on how to launch your podcast, taught by a guy who's podcast has had over 5 million downloads!

- How to sell thousands by hosting free webinars and teleseminars, by Kathleen Gage - who actually does this for a living herself. You'll also get the actual scripts she uses for her "closing" that have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales.

- The "Instant Sale List Building Funnel" - Learn how for every $100 she spends, she's making $170 and generating 100 NEW email subscribers. In other words, she's getting PAID to build her list!

- Learn how Holly got 1,000,000 Facebook Likes organically (free).

- Get "How to Create a Product in 3 Days" from Kevin Riley, who pumps out quality products that sell.

Get the Full List here...

What I'm doing, and what I recommend YOU do as well, is creating a topical library. This includes everything I got in the BC Stack, as well as products I already have and haven't had time to study yet (oops!). I am organizing the guides & resources by topic - or by goal. Such as starting a podcast, working with brands, creating a new product, growing my social media reach dramatically, etc.

Here's the thing...

I know I am going to want certain guides or courses as I go. I'm going to NEED them. But why pay full price when I can get them ALL for only $27 this week, and create a whole library to tap into anytime I please? Exactly. ;-) It just makes good sense.

I hope you'll take advantage of this too:

It ends tomorrow (Thursday) at Noon Eastern I believe.

Yes, that's my referral link. I also contributed a $199 product to the "Stack". So I'm a contributor, an affiliate... and I'm also taking advantage of the wealth of information included in this "stack" myself.

In case you don't know Dan Morris (the man behind Blogging Concentrated and this BC Stack deal) - he's a good guy. And I don't say that lightly, I actually know him quite well. He's super sharp (and funny!), but I've also come to know him as an amazing friend. Last year while I was on an extended bedrest after unexpected surgery w/complications... Dan drove 3 hours round trip just to take my great dane out for a run, because I couldn't.

THAT is a good friend. That's a good person, period.

The BC Stack was actually put together out of that same generosity, because the profits are going toward a great cause for another friend. That's the kind of guy Dan is. If you don't already know him, you'll love getting to know him once you're on the BC list!

So you can feel good about being part of an amazing act of generosity & kindness AND invest less than 30 bucks in something that has the potential to totally skyrocket your online earnings in the coming months. It's a total WIN for everyone involved.

This is one of those rare things you don't want to miss out on. ;-)

Get the BC Stack before it disappears tomorrow!
I challenge you to grab it, pick ONE thing, and make your $27 back in less than two weeks. I know you can easily do that...
Will you?
Lynn Terry

p.s. We're having mini-discussions about everything I mentioned above ^ on my Facebook page if you want to join in on the conversation - or ask any questions.

You should "LIKE" my page while you're there. We're a fun group with great discussions!! :-)

- What ONE question would you ask your favorite experts?

- Questions or Comments about the BC Stack? Join us here:

- The Marketing Mayhem Live event in San Diego:

- Implementation is KEY. Do you set a specific goal when you purchase training, coaching or download a guide/tutorial?

- Creating a "Topical Library" as a Success Strategy: