Free (Today Only): How To Build Your List... Fast

Published: Thu, 04/02/15

These TWO free resources will prove very helpful in building your email list. The first one is available today only, so you'll want to grab it quick as the page will come down at midnight tonight:

The L.I.S.T. System (FREE) -aff

This is a step by step detailed guide by Jimmy D. Brown on how to create your niche mini course, to build your list - fast. The page will be taken down at midnight tonight, so grab it while you can. It's a direct download (no opt-in, etc). Enjoy! :)

Also see: How To Structure Your Follow-Up Series

This is a really great - very simple, very practical - guide to structuring a follow-up email series that CONVERTS. Aweber is what I use to manage my own email lists, but this guide is great no matter which service you use.

Building your list is super important. Email is STILL where I get the highest response rate - in any niche. Earlier this week I added more than 700 subscribers to my low carb list... in less than 48 hours. That kind of growth is *extremely* valuable, and something you should definitely focus on in your own business.

You may recall that I recently started using LeadPages, and their super cool LeadBoxes feature. That's what I used to create the spike in subscribers on Monday & Tuesday!

You can get all my notes & ideas for list-building here: (also free)

I hope these resources prove useful for you. Of course, they're only useful if you actually implement them. We're kicking off the second quarter of 2015 - make this year count!!

Lynn Terry

p.s. Guess what just got released today? Twitter Power 3.0! Joel Comm and Dave Taylor (co-authors, and super cool guys) are doing a fancy book launch... with tons of cool bonuses. If you want to check it out, see:

I have some cool Twitter tips for you, well - more like thought provoking tidbits - that I'll post on ClickNewz today, so keep an eye out for that. ;-) *cheers*
