BIG Profits in Facebook Groups! (read asap)

Published: Tue, 04/28/15

For the last few years I've been running a super active Facebook Group in the low carb niche. As part of my Niche Success Blueprint course, I just shared all the details on this little gem of a strategy in a brand new training module.

I am about to repurpose that training module into a product called "Facebook Group Profits". In fact, I just registered that domain name about an hour ago - so the ball is in motion!

The NSB course is $199 (or $37 a month for 12 months). If you're not enrolled in that course, I want to give you the opportunity to download this module... anyway. I'll be selling it as a finished product later this week for $39.95, but you can download this private release version right now for only 9.99:

Instant Download

I don't even have a sales page set up yet. There is nothing fancy about this, which is why you're getting this private pre-release version so cheap. :) Like I said, I just registered the domain name.

Don't worry, it's still high quality and fully illustrated with real examples. I just have more I want to add to it, along with printable checklists. And of course a sales page (lol). But I want to give YOU an opportunity to get it super cheap while I'm working on all that...

Once I set up the sales page, sales copy, fancy thank you page, Aweber list, yada yada yada, and do the final edits & additions to the product... it will be priced at $39.95. I'll probably do a half-price intro special for $19.97. But YOU can get it for half of half, and for less than 10 bucks.

Yes, you will get access to the updated version as well as the bonuses (including a Q&A Webinar with live examples). I will send those links out as soon as they are available.

Yes, there will be an affiliate program. Early buyers will be the first to get invited to make money with the Facebook Group Profits package! You can get it here:

Download the Facebook Group Profits report

Why "Facebook Group Profits"?

Because... having a captive audience is priceless. ;-)

You will LOVE this report. As with anything I offer you, I personally guarantee it.

What I *cannot* guarantee is how long the 9.99 link above will work.

As soon as I get everything set up, the 39.95 / 19.97 pricing will be in place. I should have everything up and working in the next 24 hours (tops), so you only have a short window to grab it at this price before it goes public...

Lynn Terry

p.s. Last week alone I made over $1,000 (in profit) thanks to my own niche Facebook group. Did that happen overnight? Of course not. Am I making promises? Nope. Is it HARD? Not at all. If you want more, you'll have to read the report. :) *cheers*
