A strange confession...

Published: Tue, 04/28/15

This morning there was a fun discussion on Facebook about doing breathing exercises in the shower - both for relaxation techniques, and positive thinking (how to get rid of negative thought processes). That one was started by Justin Brooke of IMscalable.com/blog/ - a super smart guy to follow if you're interested in the nitty gritty details of paid ads!

Anyway, I'm not usually a very "foo foo" person. In fact, I would label myself: practical. That word fits me to a tee, in pretty much every aspect of my life. That said, I use whatever means necessary to get ahead in my life - or more specifically, to get exactly where *I* want to go. Including weird breathing exercises - and even talking to myself if I have to. :)

It reminded me of something I was discussing with Elaine in my Private Brainstorming Group this week. She's really fun to follow on Twitter, by the way: @elaine_perry She always inspires some of the coolest topics!

Anyway, what I shared with her was a visualization or journaling exercise I've been doing for years. It really gets you over the "fear", over the hump, over whatever is holding you back at any given time. (You know, all the 'human nature' stuff.)

Here it is:

Visualize your ideal self.

Get a clear image in your mind of who you are 10 years from now.

It helps to sit down and journal it out, in great detail. This is something I've been doing for years, and continue to do - as the vision (or your goals) may change or even improve over time. If you can really *connect* with "the ideal you"... it helps you to move toward that, both internally and externally. Move toward *becoming* that person, even.

I started this when I was in my late 20's. I had a vision of myself in my 40's. Now that I'm in my 40's, it's actually somewhat odd or uncanny - as I AM that person.

It sounds a little "foo foo" I know. But getting in touch with the YOU that you really WANT to become, really helps you move in the direction of becoming that person you KNOW (deep down) you really ARE.

As with all things... it's the process of "becoming" that makes you who you are (or will be). There's no "win" in magical transformation or overnight success. It's the learning, doing, becoming etc that makes you that strong capable happy successful person you really want to be.

Okay, back to my practical self, and my practical tasks. :) lol. I just thought you might enjoy that, and hopefully it will serve you as well as it has me over the years. At the very least, it's something to think about...

Oh, and I'm off to the http://www.ExposureandProfit.com event this weekend. So if you're in or near the Toronto area - join us there!

Lynn Terry

p.s. I'm making FAST progress on the product release I told you about in my last email! See: https://clicknewz.leadpages.net/facebook-group-profits-special/ -if you read that email... you know that means the countdown is ON! :)

If you missed that email, you can find it here (temporarily).

p.p.s. I used LeadPages to whip up that super quick fancy little offer page. It is SO fast and SO easy to use! You can see my tips & ideas for *practical* uses for LP here: http://www.clicknewz.com/11505/landing-page-tips/
