
Published: Tue, 04/28/15

I hope you're not just reading along, but also paying close attention to *what* I am doing here - and how. :) I try to lead by example, so at the very least I hope you are enjoying this "live case study" on releasing a digital product!

I'm in the final stages of editing the report & bonuses now for public release. Earlier today I set up a sales page using LeadPages software. They make it SO easy. It's literally just "fill in the blanks" setup using a template. I *love* easy.

You can see it here:

Right now it has the private offer running on it, but tomorrow before I leave for Toronto it will be updated with more sales copy and the public price (39.95). Feel free to grab it on that page for 9.99 if you haven't already, of course.

Hmm, actually I may create a totally different template since they're so easy. I haven't decided yet. I'm winging it a bit here, can you tell? :) LeadPages is super cool by the way. You can still watch the replay where we went over it all here:

^ That was a GREAT training session on List Building (no matter what you use).

I hope you enjoy the live examples here, and the free training session above. I'd really love to hear your feedback. On the process, on the product itself, on the use of LeadPages, or any questions you have even.

Obviously I'm packing up and getting ready for my trip, and also finishing those final touches on the product to get it ready to release tomorrow, but I'll keep an eye out for your reply - and write you back at first opportunity (which may be from my mobile while traveling).

Thanks & enjoy!

One last note... if you take away nothing else from this note or this whole process, let this set in:

"Action trumps Perfectionism"

You can tweak things to oblivion. You can think things to death. You can plan and map out and tinker... or you can just DO. If you're taking action, you can fix and improve as you go - but at least you're putting things in motion and seeing results! If you never get out of the planning or idea stages, you have nothing to tweak. ;-)

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you have feedback on the report, please let me know if I have your permission to use it on the new sales page that is going live tomorrow. :)

If not, that's totally fine! But if so, let me know if you'd like your photo and name/link included - or maybe just first name only (anonymous). Thank you!!

A few testimonials would be a BIG help in wrapping this up, and getting it ready for affiliates to promote. ;-) *cheers*
