Productivity, Connecticut & What Deena Said...

Published: Thu, 06/11/15

In the Brainstorming Hour session today, which was VERY fast-paced and FULL of live examples, these two things came up:

"Don't hold off DOING the things that count... because you're too busy counting the things TO DO."


"If you can't get it ALL done... do what you CAN."

I wanted to share those with you, because sometimes the tasks & ideas can seem completely overwhelming when it comes to getting your online business off the ground, or taking your business to the next level.

If you like the quote and want to save it, you can get the quote graphic here.

The point is to break it down to the highest priorities, the steps you need to do NOW (vs later), and to focus on the task at hand - all the way through to completion.

We're discussing that here. April said, "Keeping it simple can be hard sometimes." LOL... I agree. ;-)

The live Brainstorming Hour sessions happen twice a week, as a perk to my Private Brainstorming Group. You also get both of my courses, Niche Success Blueprint AND Social Marketing Results ($276) free as a member.

PLUS personal hands-on help from me with your business, of course. :)

Here's what Deena just said yesterday:

"Your NSB course ROCKS. I'm a horrible procrastinator and I get easily overwhelmed with looking too far ahead but this is so simple to follow. Then the added support of this private brainstorming group... and success is inevitable.

This group is so amazing, I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am to have taken the leap to be here!" -Deena,

Deena just joined recently, and in the first week she has selected her niche/topic and has already put up her website. She's in the process of creating her social channels and content. She's on a fast roll! :)

If you'd like to join us, and get FAST help with YOUR business - whether you're just starting out, or want to take your blog / business to maximum profit potential, learn more at:

I still have the $37/month option open, so you can get all $276 worth of training PLUS hands on help for an entire month... for only $37. You're welcome to cancel at any time.

It's a sweet deal!

I would love to work with you. :)

Lynn Terry

p.s. A group of us are getting together for lunch in Simsbury, CT. It's just a casual get together of bloggers and people who work online. If you're in or near the area, be sure to join us! Here's the link with the details for the lunch.

p.p.s. To join us in the Private Brainstorming Group, all you have to do is register at ClickNewz if you haven't already. Then you can upgrade here ...and jump right in!
