Hmm. Interesting! (a little bit of "gossip")

Published: Tue, 09/08/15

I don't browse my Facebook newsfeed much, but I'm really glad I caught THIS update. It got my attention because it's related to what I just blogged about earlier today. If you missed my update... it's a very candid discussion about dreams, goals, the ideal lifestyle - and what I've learned from my own success:

Then tonight, I ran across this update from John Reese:

See that first comment? Personally I think "altruism" is a strong word. It means "a selfless concern for the well-being of others." It caught my attention though, because of what I blogged about earlier (my experience with success, link above)... and because I've known John Reese for a LONG time.

Interestingly, "John Reese" is also one of the main characters in Person of Interest - a TV series I loved - played by Jim Caviezel. But that's totally unrelated. :)

I first ran into John Reese online back in the 90's, more than 15 years ago, when we were both having mega success with eBay. I watched him have more than one million dollar launch over the years, two of them in less than 48 hours even.

He's a smart man. He has a skill for spotting opportunity and bringing his ideas to market... FAST. Love him, hate him, or just envy him - he's had A LOT of success over the years. Some that are current enough you may remember include Marketing Secrets, Traffic Secrets, and just to name a few.

None of those are active anymore by the way, except which he sold back in 2010 (someone else is running it now). If you've followed John Reese any at all then you may also remember that he "filed email bankruptcy" - deleted it all, and moved on - and that he shut down all of his internet marketing sites, sold everything he owned, and backpacked off into another country for awhile to build a gaming apps company.

I watched all of that unfold with great interest. No judments, just interest. A little shocked, maybe. I remember the reasons he shared in an email he sent out, and I recall totally understanding his WHY. I can relate, given some of my own experience over the last couple of decades online:

This industry can be tough sometimes. It reminds me of what John Reese said once (the TV character, lol) on Person of Interest:

"The higher up you go, the harder it gets to tell the good guys from the bad."

Maybe that seemed like an irrelevant quote. It goes to my perception of John, seeing him as an introvert who (in his own words) "never wanted to be a guru anyway". I can relate to that, and the pressure involved.

Anyway, I feel like I'm sort of "gossiping" a bit here. Just sharing my thoughts, really. I liked what he had to say on the topic of minimalism. We have that in common too, though I doubt you'll ever hear of me living out of a backpack. Although... who knows! Heh :)

Another totally unrelated fact: John Reese and I are the same age (42). Actually I am almost 90 days older than he is. :) Yes, that was useless information... lol.


That word is still stuck in my head. It's not how I would describe John Reese at all. Quirky maybe. A little odd. Super smart, for sure. He sort of reminds me of my son (er, or vice versa) - "too smart to fit into social norms". (My son was a special needs child, of the genius sort - which resulted in extreme anxiety and grand mal seizures - just FYI.)

I hope you found this at least somewhat interesting, and that I didn't just "waste space" in your inbox. :P Apologies if you do feel that way. I just thought this was all... food for thought. Especially after my recent post.

I also found the comment interesting. It seemed "backhanded", but I don't know that person well enough to know the intent. It made me cringe though. It's hard to say *anything* on the internet without getting called out for it. That doesn't stop me though. I refuse to let it...

After all that - a total sidetrack, because I got on Facebook to moderate my Group (lol) - I did a bit of digging to see what John Reese is into these days.

It turns out he just launched something cool called GERU:

I'm checking it out. I also signed up for the affiliate program, so this is my link if you want to check it out for yourself. It looks pretty cool. On that note, the first of John's products I was an affiliate for... was a VHS tape - if that says anything about how long I've been following his work. :)

I better get back to work. Odd hours I know - it's almost midnight here. But I slept most of the day. I love that about my "internet business / laptop lifestyle" - the flexibility in my schedule, and being able to work/play on my own terms. :)

I hope you had a great weekend! *cheers*


p.s. PayPal.ME continues to be a HOT topic. Be sure to read this before you decide to start using it - or not: