Detailed Tutorials with Live Examples...

Published: Tue, 10/13/15


As promised in my last email, I have two highly detailed training guides and actionable tutorials prepared for you. You'll love these if you prefer self-paced learning where you can study live examples at your own pace & implement as you go. I made the price a total no-brainer too so you can get a FAST return upfront, in addition to very profitable long-term results...

Today: Get Both Guides For Only $15


Note: This is a pure low-cost offer and a sweet deal. No upsell, no mailing list or email followup, no hoops to jump through! If you do want more training or help from me, there are options on the download page you can check out on your own terms - or just get in touch with me. :) *cheers*


Want More Traffic, Exposure & Sales?

It's Q4, the fourth and final quarter of the year, and it's time to finish strong. This is the season to ramp up , whether you want to capitalize on the heaviest online buying season of the year (yes!), or you're gearing up for highly successful year-end and new year projects/campaigns... which is sneaking up on us fast!

My Goal: To help you get more traffic, exposure & sales as quickly as possible, with the least amount of work. The strategies I use are purely organic, which means no paid advertising or investments needed to see FAST results.

Both of these Training Modules are from my popular Niche Success Blueprint course - which is free to Private Brainstorming Group members. So if you're a member already, just log in to the private forum and get these modules if you don't already have them!

Both modules include Action Task Lists to make the training & live examples super easy to implement - for REAL results.

You'll find the details for each of the modules below. They are $10 each individually, or you can download them both today for only $15 if you get them together.

Download Both Modules



Module 21: Make More Sales

In this Training Module you'll learn Pro Strategies for creating engaging product reviews that increase your sales easily... plus creative ways for promoting your reviews, and how to get your market engaged in product discussions!

What you'll find in Module 21:

Product Review Guide

  • Hosting Engaging Product Discussions
  • What to do with "Engagement"
  • Creative Strategies for Using Comments, Replies & Feedback to make more sales!
  • How to Promote Your Product Reviews
  • Using Video to Increase Conversion Rates
  • "Social Product Engagement"
  • How To Write an Amazing Product Review!
  • - Action Task List

Download Module 21 for $10



Module 13: Get More Traffic

In this Training Module you’ll learn creative Guest Blogging strategies that greatly improve your chances of getting published on a popular blog. Plus more super easy Content Marketing methods that help you get even more exposure and traffic!

What you'll find in Module 13:

Content Marketing Guide

  • A Strong Word of Caution
  • Preparing A Guest Blogging Strategy
  • Guest Blogging "Best Practices"
  • Creative Guest Blogging Angles/Strategies
  • Getting the MOST of Your Guest Posts
  • How to Pitch A Guest Post Successfully
  • What To Do If Your Guest Post Gets Denied
  • Creating "Natural Buzz" with Content Variety
  • Avoiding BIG Red Flags & Penalties
  • Fast, Easy Content Marketing Ideas
  • - Action Task List

Download Module 13 for $10



Grab either of these detailed guides for only $10 today, or download them both for just $15 if you get them together. Just use the buy buttons above for each module, or click the red button below to grab them both and get started:

Download Both Modules for only $15

If you have any questions about either module, or you have already studied & applied them and want to share your thoughts on them, leave a comment here or hit reply and send me an email. I'll keep an eye out for your thoughts & questions!


p.s. If you want hands-on help with these proven internet marketing strategies, or with anything else in your business, Click Here so we can get started brainstorming and working together on your goals right away. :) *cheers*

p.p.s. If you DO want to invest in low-cost ads this quarter, to take advantage of the high profit buying season (highly recommended!), this Quick Start Training is the one thing I would suggest right now. It's extremely detailed and very easy to follow!