Social Marketing Q&A - Answers you can USE...

Published: Tue, 10/20/15

Need help marketing via Social Media effectively?

I just posted a fun Q&A on ClickNewz you'll really enjoy!

Interestingly, my Social Media Marketing methods haven't changed over the years, and are still working exceptionally well! But that's because I do all "Organic Audience Building" (which means: FREE). The paid methods are still constantly changing, but I haven't used them myself - and haven't needed to...

Here are the topics covered:
  • Do I have to spend money on ads for people to see my updates?
  • How to do Social Media more efficiently, without spending all day on it.
  • Why Twitter (still!) matters...
  • How to use Hashtags effectively
  • Post Frequency - How often, what time of day, etc?
  • How to deal with negative responses... and Trolls!
  • Managing multiple channels & constant content creation
  • Coming up with creative, interesting social content ideas
  • Which platforms you should focus on - and why...

See my answers at: :)

I would love to hear your thoughts, your favorite social marketing tips, what kind of changes you've noticed with your favorite social platforms over the last few years - and how those changes have affected your business. Leave a comment & let's discuss it!


p.s. You can still grab my Social Marketing Results training super cheap.