Q&A Call Tonight + Upcoming Live Case Study

Published: Thu, 10/22/15

I didn't realize they were going to do this! You may have already heard about it, but if not - I didn't want you to miss it. Remember the "shocking" email I sent you last week titled "Earn 10x your money in 30 days - Guaranteed". I figured that subject line would raise a few eyebrows coming from me -lol. Heck, the guarantee made me raise MY eyebrows! ;-) 
Like I said in this blog post: http://www.clicknewz.com/13217/internet-marketing-hype/ ... that was SMART positioning. Not only from a marketing standpoint, but to *really* motivate their students to see RESULTS. Any smart business owner knows... your business THRIVES on an actively engaged market that is seeing positive results.
* The comments are VERY interesting on that blog post ^ Take a look!
Note: I have the 2nd replay link (free) for you below, so if you're not interested in creating your own profitable product right now, just skip down and grab that instead. ;-)
Anyway, two things: 
Tonight, Thursday  October 22nd at 7pm Eastern, they are hosting the live Q&A call. The original workshop was recorded and is now available, and this call will be recorded as well - but you still have time to attend live.
Save 25% with this coupon code: whw25off
The second thing is that they just announced a Live Case Study scheduled for next week. THIS is cool! They already have a student ready for their review. You may recall that part of the workshop is you get your product AND sales process reviewed - which is a huge perk. Well next week, they are sharing one LIVE for everyone to benefit from. :)
I wanted to make sure you knew you could still join in, and what's going on & when - and that the coupon code DOES still work. I just tested it. :) I used it myself, because I purchased access to this workshop with my own money. I often get free review access to products & events, but in this case I wanted to invest in it personally. I'm SO glad I did. While that is my referral link above... I wouldn't recommend it if I wasn't using it & loving it.

If you want to hear what other people had to say, see http://www.clicknewz.com/13217/internet-marketing-hype/
You can see what Tiffany said at the end of that post, and I really liked Kate's reply in the comment section...
Lynn Terry
p.s. I got A LOT of great feedback and thank you's on the free PDF I sent you yesterday. :) I just posted it on my blog along with a link to the interactive replay of Saturday's follow-up Brainstorming session, with even more topics & great advice. :) You'll find them both here: http://www.clicknewz.com/13212/secrets-to-my-niche-success/ Enjoy!