Only 37 Days Left In 2015...

Published: Tue, 11/24/15

Need ideas to make the most of these last few year-end days? I would love to help you with that! Just day before yesterday I was sitting in Ohio with my friend Trish when I realized there were only 39 days left in the year. Now there are two less! The days fly by this time of year, especially with so many big holidays packed into such a short time...

You have U.S. Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, New Year's Eve, etc - with TONS of shopping and year-end wrap-up and New Year goals thrown in too!

People are in high gear right now. Us included, right? :-) But in between all of your own plans, consider how you can make the absolute MOST of this time of year in your business.

Note: People spend A LOT of money between now and the end of January.

Historically, and I'm speaking from almost 19 years in business, November through February have always been my highest profit months. Right now is a GREAT time to consider all the ways you can best serve your market. ;-)

This is also a great time to be outlining your business goals & plans for the New Year, which is coming up on us FAST. What do you most want to accomplish, and how are you going to make it happen? Write it down. Make an Action Plan!

** How Can I Help You? **

Over the next 37 days I want to give you some great tips and ideas to help you really get things in motion. I haven't quite figured out what format I might do, as I just got in from my last trip this morning... but stay tuned here because I'll email you details as I get things mapped out.

Be sure to join us on Facebook in the Weekly Marketing Challenge Group too, as that's where like to *really* challenge you to THINK BIG in your business.

I also post a lot of helpful tips on my Page at:

I'm working on how I can best help you set great goals and make BIG things happen. Expect free webinars and interactive live brainstorming sessions, great tips, and new blog posts on topics like:

- Why You Should STOP Learning!

- Why I made a "Decisions List" and keep "Trip Journals"
(Plus I'll share both with you)

- Things You Can Learn From Your Site Stats
(And what to DO with it)

- What I learned about Success from Dog Training... (This one will really surprise you. It did me - and it's been a VERY interesting conversation with the few people I've shared it with!)

- How To Build Your Audience & Scale Your Business

- Why $0 is My Favorite Number

Fun topics. :-)

In the meantime, if you haven't already - be sure to download these FREE Internet Marketing "Cheat Sheets". You'll LOVE them! ;-) My favorites are the 24-Hour Product Creation worksheet, and the 1-2-3 List Building worksheet.

You can see MY notes on all six downloads at:

By the way, our exclusive coupon code for the "Master Sales Psychology" training expires at the end of the year (in just over 30 days). The price for this Copywriting & Sales Letter Formula package went up, but our coupon code ("lynnterryonly") still makes it less than $10. See:

This is my TOP recommendation if you need a sales copy template and want to learn color psychology, sales copy, and everything you need to know to CONVERT in any writing you do online - including your social media updates. ;-) You get a TON of awesome high-end training in this package. Check it out!

My link:
Coupon Code: lynnterryonly

That code makes it only 9.95 for you - instead of $27.

Enjoy the discount!

Lynn Terry

p.s. I've decided to host a holiday gift exchange. Just a little something cool, new and FUN for us all to enjoy. :) Stay tuned for details! *cheers*

p.p.s. If I owe you an email or a reply somewhere, I'm working on that. :) I'm catching up fast now that I'm home from my last trip. I'm finishing up at my brainstorming forum first, then I'll be back in my inbox, so feel free to hit reply if you have a thought or question...