Quick Tips to Implement for Fast Results!

Published: Wed, 11/25/15

We're down to just 36 more days left in the year. I sent you an email about that yesterday (you can see it here) and I mentioned several upcoming topics & tutorials I'm writing for you. We're discussing those here if you want to put your vote in!

As promised, I want to give you some quick tips you can implement immediately - for fast results! - as we close out the year and get ready for a BIG year ahead. :-) We'll start with this:

Start, GO, be consistent, be persistent, never stop, never give up, always implement as you go (don't just learn, EARN!)... and never stop asking questions! -share/like/comment

As an entrepreneur, you have to stay in "GO MODE". That means... doing. Not just thinking, because ideas don't pay the bills, but DOING - taking action on everything as it crosses your mind, or crosses your screen.

On that note, these results really bother me:

That ^ bothers me because it is NOT hard to make a great living online. Of course, it's also "easy" to just go through the motions or spin your wheels. :p LOL. But don't you WANT to have a deep sense of accomplishment, see your dreams and goals come true and BE your reality, and to be in that top percent of people that are "totally rocking it, having fun & making good money!" ?? YES!

I'm not just blowing words at you. I'm speaking from a place of achievement, having gone from broke to my ideal lifestyle... and now continuing on to bigger and better things in my life that I could have even originally dreamed up. It's an amazing, fun, awesome, fabulous thing! :-)

As I was writing this note to you, I got a notification about a comment on Facebook regarding a tip I had shared. The comment says,
"This is the best organic result I have had so far and that was from 5 minutes work!"

Bingo! It's all about implementation - about getting into GO MODE. That's the only way you're going to see RESULTS.

When I say "stop learning, start doing" I don't REALLY mean that you should stop learning. I am learning something new almost every day! What I mean is that you should implement as you go. It's less about not learning, because I am ALWAYS learning - and more about doing AS you learn.

Let's take the 6 "cheat sheets" I mentioned in my email yesterday. Pick one of those and DO IT. Choose only one of the six topics, the one that matches best to what you want or need to accomplish right now, and just follow the steps on that sheet. Ignore the other five worksheets, ignore everything else even, and just GO. :-)

If you missed those, you can download them here free.

One more tip for you today...

[TIP] Want To Recruit Active Affiliates For Your Business?

As an affiliate, I respond best to personal contact. I get SO much email and so many random requests that it's too difficult to go through them all. It's those personal contacts that really STAND OUT when I'm scouting opps.

Try one on one communication - email or a Facebook message - getting in touch with them personally to see what you could do together to put some nice year-end commissions in their pocket. Maybe they are doing something for year-end or in the middle of a topical series, or have New Year plans that one of our products fits well with. Offer to host free webinars for their audiences, guest blog for them using their affiliate link, create exclusive coupon codes or put together special offers only available through them etc.

The more customized and personalized you get, the more it becomes an appealing Joint Venture instead of "just another affiliate opp." -share/like/comment

Lynn Terry

Would you like a personal brainstorming partner, with almost 2 decades of experience in online business, and hands-on help with your business goals & tasks every single step of the way?
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