Happy Holidays! Quick Note about March 2016...

Published: Wed, 12/23/15

I hope you're having a fabulous holiday week. :) My children are grown so it's been quiet here, but I've been enjoying time with friends & family. And of course I'll be out the next few days going to visit my kids. :)

Anyway, I wanted to let you know they JUST opened up registration for Marketing Mayhem in March. This event sells out, and it is the TOP event on my 2016 calendar, so I wanted to let you know about it fast.

It's also super cheap before the end of the year!

PLUS you'll want to get it in now... for a 2015 tax deduction. ;-)

You can check out the details here:
Marketing Mayhem Live 2016 -aff

The event venue is great, the content is GREAT, and they bring together some of the best people in the industry - not just on stage, but in attendance as well. Oh, and the entertainment is always AWESOME! (This year it's a private concert with Bret Michaels of Poison.)

This was my absolute favorite event last year, and I would NOT miss it. I can't wait to go again in March! If you're looking to attend an Internet Marketing event this year... Marketing Mayhem is where you want to be. Plus we can hang out. ;-)

See: Marketing Mayhem Live 2016 -aff

I'm busy wrapping up year-end stuff, which includes booking my trips for the first quarter of 2016 and getting those expenses in on this year's taxes. And of course it's always great to save money, so I'm booking now while the tickets are CHEAP. :)

I would love to see you there!

Let me know if you're planning to go so we can make plans to meet up, grab lunch or dinner, hang out and brainstorm. :)

Happy Holidays to you and yours...

Lynn Terry

p.s. I'll be back after the holidays with some great tips for you. I've been doing a lot of planning & goal setting for 2016. One of the things I just downloaded is the FREE 2016 Blog & Social Content Planner - which just came out. It's an instant download, and I highly recommend it. Enjoy! :) *cheers*

p.p.s. The "Inner Guide Planner" I'm using started earlier in 2015. Here is the brand new 2016 version. It's only $25.95 on Amazon with free shipping. It's the BEST planner I've ever owned! It really digs in to the meaning behind your goals, and sets you up for a productive and fulfilling year. Enjoy! *cheers*