Free: Sell More Books, Ebooks and Info Products

Published: Fri, 01/08/16

This is free, and it happens on Sunday evening. If you want to sell more books, ebooks and info products... definitely plan to tune in! I'm not sure if there will be a recording or replay, but go ahead and register and you'll get the details on that from them.

Click Here to Register

"On Sunday, January 10 at 6 PM, join Content Marketing Expert, Alice Seba, as she interviews New York Times Best Selling Author, Ron Douglas about the lessons he learned after selling 1.4 million books and ebooks.

You'll also get the inside scoop about their upcoming online event, Best Sellers Summit, where you'll learn to grow your audience and sell more books and products, all from a line up of 17 of the world's top experts."

You can get all the details at: -aff

I'll be speaking at their Best Sellers Summit on the topic of building an engaged audience - and using that to increase your sales. I think you'll really enjoy the webcast on Sunday. It's free so make sure you go ahead and get registered!

Lynn Terry

p.s. I promised to tell you about the "bottleneck" in my online business, and what I plan to do about it. I am packing up to head to the Affiliate Summit conference, and I plan to talk to some of my peers there about the issue - and do some more strategizing in my business journal on the plane on the way out there too. ;-) Stay tuned - I look forward to sharing all the dirty little details with you! *cheers*

p.p.s. Since I'll be traveling I may be slow on replies, but if you need anything just shoot me an email and I'll check in when I get a chance.