What I'm Doing - Because Learning By Example is SMART

Published: Tue, 01/05/16

Did you cut a deal or make a pitch yesterday? :) I hope you enjoyed the tip I sent you! If you missed it, read: Everything is Negotiable!

After my earlier email about "Tying Up Loose Ends & Moving On" I had a great conversation with one of my members. She was curious about what I'm doing next, and what I have planned for 2016.

I eluded to my plans a bit in my email titled "Kick 2016 off with a BANG!" But I think you deserve a more detailed explanation. And of course you can learn from what I'm doing - as always. :)

That's SMART by the way, to pay attention to what others are doing online, whether it's in your own niche or not. There is so much you can "learn by example" just by watching those who are successful online.

Every year people all over the world choose "One Word" for the year. Something that resonates with you personally, and fuels everything you do for the year. You can see #OneWord2016 trending on Twitter here:


Check that out, and think about YOUR word for 2016!

I've been thinking a lot about this myself, and what my "one word" will be for the year. I haven't settled on it, but the word that keeps coming to mind is: completion. I have tons of projects, ideas, products, etc in various stages of completion. I bet you do too!

I've spent the last month or so strategically planning my year out - including what to do, what to complete, and what to let go of altogether. I encourage you to do the same, and definitely make some cuts! As I always say...

Do MORE of what's working, and LESS of what's not.

That brings me to my plans. This year I am focusing on my signature products: Social Marketing Results and Niche Success Blueprint. I am finishing up the last 22 modules of NSB as we speak, and also updating the first 30 modules. It's only minor editing though, as the course is truly evergreen.

Once I get that done, I plan to reteach Social Marketing Results... live. My goal is to do that in this first quarter, and then later this year I am going to teach my Niche Success Blueprint live, in hands-on workshop style. :)

I'll continue a strong focus on the Private Brainstorming Group, as I've been running that for well over a decade now, and of course it will tie in nicely with the products - allowing me to work hands-on with members who take my courses, and help them personally with every step of implementation.

I am also moving my group over to the amember platform, which is being set up as we speak. That means there will be an affiliate program for my Private Brainstorming Group. The products will be part of that amember setup as well, so it will all work nicely as a funnel - which will be a huge perk for affiliates.

I'm getting more organized, with better product delivery & platforms, more profitable options for my affiliates, and then I plan to do more live teaching and speaking again like I did in the past (before I got sick).

I'm very excited about the year ahead, and about "completion" - and how all of that will allow me to help even more people experience REAL success online! :)

Of course, that's not all I do online. I actually DO what I teach, which is where my live examples (and personal hands-on experience) come from. I run a very active, profitable community in the low carb / weight loss niche with my traveling food blog.

Stay tuned for more Case Studies and cool tips on that, because I'm doing some FUN things with that business this year too!

I hope this note & update gave you some ideas to consider, or at least "food for thought." Pun intended. :) Have a great week! *cheers*

Lynn Terry

p.s. As always, if you have any questions - hit reply!

My courses are free inside my Private Brainstorming Group, and members will also get free access to the upcoming live workshops - as well as the affiliate programs. If you've been considering it, now is the time to join and let me work with you on your business!

The monthly option and discounted Lifetime Access option are both still open for about 24 more hours. :)

See this note for details if you're interested: http://archive.aweber.com/clicknewzblog/54qeC/h/Kick_2016_off_with_a_BANG_.htm