Success: Stepping Out In Faith

Published: Mon, 01/18/16

Today is an American federal holiday (the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.), which means banks are closed and mail doesn't run and there are awesome quote circulating the web. :)

Here is my personal favorite:

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

That really speaks to me... HARD. So many times in my life I've had to step out in faith. Or just DO without knowing. Often full of fear or anxiety, or at least total uncertainty.

When it comes to creating a successful business online, it would be nice if we could have all the facts upfront, learn everything we need to know before we start, and create a solid plan for the long-term. Unfortunately the internet doesn't work that way - it's constantly changing and shifting. You simply have to dive in and "learn and implement" as you go.

I've been working online & from home for more than 18 years now - successfully. I quit my last job in 1996 and my online business is my sole source of income. I raised two children on that income, and put one in business and the other in college.

I started out completely in the dark. Everyone said "That'll never work!" Especially considering I was young, inexperienced, had no formal education, and had zero capital or savings.

My response: "What's the worst that could happen?" I knew the worst thing that could happen is that my idea would fail... and I'd simply get another job. "No big deal," I thought. Maybe that's because I was young, inexperienced, had no real education... lol.

I had to sell everything I owned just to get started. I mean everything - my furniture, dishes, even my clothes & shoes. EVERYthing. That business did 6 figures the first full year, then I started a second business and partnered in a third. I got addicted. :) And here we are...

Anyway, my point today is this:


Whatever it is you really want out of life, MAKE it happen.

Watch this video to discover the ONE thing that will guarantee you to fail... and read on for 7 simple solutions to the things that keep you from achieving success:

(It's just a video & helpful blog post - not a sales page.)

Enjoy :-)

Lynn Terry

p.s. Thank you so much for all the great questions about building an audience of buyers! I'm going through those now, and will have the Free Download available for you soon. :) *cheers*