A quick way to get traffic, build a list & make sales

Published: Thu, 02/04/16

I'm celebrating 19 full years in business this month, and the start of my 20th year working from home & online. Wow! Time flies. :)

I have some fun tips to share with you including how to sustain an online business through all the changes in technology, how to stay in profit, how to stay motivated, the top tips I've learned along the way that have made my own business incredibly successful, and much more.

For now though, I scored you some celebration deals - to help YOUR business! Let's start with this one, because this could have the BIGGEST impact in your business... in the shortest time:

$5 Posts Quick Start Training Program
use coupon code: lt19special (half price)

That quick-start training teaches you how to do CHEAP Facebook Ads that bring in BIG results. The coupon code (lt19special) makes the course only $19 - just for you. :) Ron agreed to give it to you at about half price in celebration of my 19 year biz anniversary, so definitely take advantage of that!

Why would you want to do Facebook Advertising?

Good question! You can read my (very candid) thoughts on this at:

* there's a free download in that post too

When I really got into this course, and implemented what I was learning along the way (which I always do), I was AMAZED at what I learned.

You probably already realize that Facebook knows *everything* about you. Maybe even TOO much, lol. The cool thing about this though, is that it's the BEST place to do "Audience Insights" in your niche. Seriously, I was blown away by what I learned!

For example, did you know you can upload your entire mailing list to Facebook and get insane amounts of detailed data about your subscribers??

Even if you have a super small list, Facebook has the ability to do what's called "a lookalike audience" to massively expand your reach - based on even a small number of people on your list.

It's crazy cool stuff!!

That's just ONE thing I learned that was totally invaluable to my business with this training. And really, you don't even need a list to create "an audience" to market to on Facebook. This stuff is so incredibly easy, and Facebook already has all the data AND the audience - for you - to sell practically ANYthing.

This is a HOT strategy for selling online right now.

Why? Because Facebook Ads WORK.

I know this because they work on me. :) LOL. I'm not even kidding. I've spent *thousands* just in the last month alone on things Facebook recommended to me through ads - because the targeting is just THAT intuitive!

I'm HAPPY about that too, because those ads have dramatically improved my life. From totally updating my wardrobe (lol) to putting travel ideas in front of me - that I jumped on, and enjoyed!!

It was actually my love of the ads, and interacting with them - and enjoying the products I bought as a result - that got me interested in using the platform for marketing myself. Which is why I grabbed this training course.

I was really impressed with it, and continue to use it. I printed it out, put it in a binder, and it's sitting right here on my desk. This is one resource you'll LOVE. And right now, you can get it for only $19 as part of my 19 year business anniversary. :)

$5 Posts Quick Start Training Program
use coupon code: lt19special (half price)

Enjoy! :-)

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you don't have anything to promote on Facebook, here's a great dimesale that just started today. You could use that to create your own product and build a buying list. Or you could just become an affiliate - and earn commission promoting the sale. Click here to sign up as an affiliate: http://jvz2.com/ac/31526/202567

"Facebook is truly a goldmine for highly targeted customer leads, but you have to learn how to properly use the power of their system to filter out the freebie seekers and pinpoint the ideal prospects for your offer."

Take advantage of this awesome half-price deal today, and start enjoying consistent profits! ;-) *cheers*

These are my referral links of course, and I personally negotiated this special deal with Ron on his training just for you. I love bringing you exclusive discounts you can't get anywhere else! :)