Great advice you can apply :) Enjoy!

Published: Fri, 01/15/16

I'm home from Vegas. I did NOT have a good time - at all. That was completely my fault though, and I thought you might like to know why... so you can learn from my mistakes - and also see how I turned it around. :)

I was in Vegas for Affiliate Summit, which I find to be an odd event. And I attend A LOT of industry conferences. I went once before (5 years ago) and didn't enjoy it then either.

I take full responsibility for my experience this time around though, because I simply wasn't prepared. I did make an effort, but the agenda was color coded in a way that was confusing - so I wasted tons of time trying to figure out where to be & when.

Tip: Always have an objective when attending an event. Map out your agenda in advance, and know where you want to be and what you want to accomplish.

Tip #2: Attend events that are a good match for what you're working on. :)

I'm attending T&C (Traffic & Conversion Summit) next, then my FAVORITE marketing event is coming up in March. It's Marketing Mayhem Live and it would be my top recommendation if you're looking to attend an event this year!

We had a good discussion on that here:


I managed to turn my trip around and get some good out of it. :-)

I used the trip to blog Vegas Food instead for my TravelingLowCarb blog. I gained almost 1,000 new Instagram followers on the trip, with TONS of engagement on my Facebook Page too (218 new Page Likes, almost 800 post comments & 94 shares - "27,207 post reach this week") etc. (11,000+ followers) (13,000+ Likes)

This is just ONE reason why having a niche where you "monetize your daily life" is a BIG plus. ;-)

If you want to discuss this concept more, I have an open discussion on it in my Social Marketing Results group at: I would love to hear your thoughts, or any questions you have!

Speaking of events, I'm attending (and also speaking at) a virtual event next week - from home. Thank goodness, because I'm SO happy to be home. :) LOL. Anyway, it's the Best Sellers Summit (which I jokingly called "The BS Summit" haha) hosted by Alice Seba and Ron Douglas.

This online summit is for anyone that wants to sell more books, ebooks & products this year. The special pricing for the summit ends tomorrow:

Click Here To Register

I brought that up because I was reading through some emails that Alice & Ron sent out over the last few days earlier this morning - and a couple of things stood out to me that I wanted to share with you...

Alice & Ron said, "Listen more than you write. Instead of taking notes on everything you think is important, write down an action plan as you go, instead. Think about what the speaker is saying and how it applies to your own business and how you can implement it yourself."

Another quote from them: "You don't need all the answers. You just need to do one thing, see what happens and then take the next step."

Great advice!

Always consider that: how something applies to YOUR business, or your current goal or objective. And I love the second quote too, because you really can only do one task at a time - one foot in front of the other, just build your business out strategically. ;-)

Now that I'm hope I'm busy catching up around the web - in my forum, emails, etc - so if you're waiting on something from me... I'm working on it. :)

Lynn Terry

p.s. I think you'll REALLY enjoy the summit. There will be replays if you can't attend live, and it's a "no pitch event" - all 17 of the speakers are giving away something free, so there's tons of value!

I’ll be speaking during the summit on the topic of building an engaged audience as a means of increasing your traffic & sales. I’m also an affiliate for the summit, so this is my referral link for you to check it out: - Thank you for using my link! ;-) *cheers*