When You Get Overwhelmed...

Published: Sun, 02/21/16

I had a meltdown this week. It's not the first, and probably won't be the last. :) I find these moments where I feel totally overwhelmed, deflated, underwhelmed, or frustrated... come just before positive, profitable turning points in my business. They're a necessary evil!

What you cannot do is let them paralyze you, or make you shut down completely. Or at least not for long. Sometimes it's great to take a few days off and go on a Netflix binge, go hike in the rain, or whatever you like to do to just get away from it all. But at some point you have to face the issue and tackle it...

There are two things I do to get back on track.

First, I journal. I do a total "brain dump" of all the things on my mind, the tasks that need to be done, things that need to change, etc. I start by just writing it all down, and getting it out of my head and on the screen in front of me - where I can actually deal with it.

It's common to want to change everything at once. You can't do that. It's just not possible. I like to start with the things I can do NOW - and knock those out. That gives you a sense of accomplishment that fuels your momentum and motivation. Start with the small things, and start making small changes or taking small steps toward achieving the big things.

The second thing I do is talk to my accountability partner. Having someone that is not invested emotionally, and has a more objective view, is a great thing to have as you build out your business. It can be a challenge to find that "right person" you really click with, but when you do... they are invaluable.

I can be that person for you. It's exactly what I do inside my Private Brainstorming Group, in addition to technical help and action plans and marketing strategies. I work with every single member personally - with whatever step they are on, or whatever they are trying to overcome or achieve. It's not your typical membership site. I'm VERY actively involved.

If you'd like to join us, see: http://www.clicknewz.com/hands-on-help/

I opened the low monthly rate temporarily, as well as the Lifetime Access option - both of which are super cheap. The Lifetime Access is currently $500 off. As part of my own brainstorming this morning, I decided to close both of those low cost options tomorrow (Monday) because I'm making even more high-value changes & additions this year... and those rates are entirely too cheap. :p

That's just one small change on a long list I worked on this morning. Because when you're not happy and excited and having FUN in your business... you can make adjustments, and get back there. That's one of the things I absolutely love about having my own business, and being in complete control of my life and my time.

I hope these thoughts & tips serve you well today.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, or maybe just underwhelmed, take some time today to do a "brain dump" and figure out how to get back to the priorities that EXCITE you! :-)

I have a cool tip to share with you about using Google Adsense for "lead generation" - which is something I do often, and just did this morning, in fact! Stay tuned, because I think you'll really like this tip...

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you have any questions about my Private Brainstorming Group, and whether it would be a good fit for you, simply hit reply. This is my direct email address. :) *cheers*