If you have a Facebook Page (or plan to)...

Published: Thu, 12/29/16

Facebook Pages are VERY powerful, but most people struggle to get any real traction with their fan page. You've probably heard me say "do more of what works, and less of what doesn't." (If you haven't, jot that down! lol)

A Facebook Page is something that WILL work for you though, and work very well, so it's not something to ditch (or ignore) if you're not getting the results you want from it.

It pays to analyze how much you're putting into it (what's not working), or whether you've really given something a fair chance before totally writing it off.

I've heard people say for example: Twitter doesn't work for me. But when I ask what their strategy is, or what they've tried so far, the response is usually: "Well, not much - I don't really have a strategy."

Bingo. ;-)

Consider that as you're outlining your business plans and your marketing strategy for the new year ahead of us.

Back to Facebook Pages, there are two exciting videos I want to share with you:

Watch the first video

Watch the second video

The quick videos are at the top of each of those pages.

This is what I'm setting up on my own Facebook Page, and both of those strategies really excite me!

I don't do any paid advertising (or not much, not as part of my usual strategy). I don't have to because my organic social marketing works SO well. And that's exactly the position you want to be in yourself!

Having a strong social reach & response is the BEST way to "Google Proof" your business. ;-)

Also see: http://www.clicknewz.com/14155/creative-social-marketing-tips/ for more great tips!

I'm really excited about the potential with Social Stores. And the price is SWEET for the next couple of days (ie: super cheap). It'll pay for itself immediately, and be a great long-term source of revenue for me on my own Facebook Page (and elsewhere!). I love that. :)

This is what I'm working on myself, so I wanted to share it with you as well.

If you're not yet "rocking it!" with social media, or haven't quite figured it all out yet, NOW is a great time to do that. It's the fastest, easiest way to reach your market (exactly where they are)... and the response & conversions are well worth it!

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you need help with your business, your plans or strategy for 2017, or your social marketing strategy - let me know. I work hands on with people just like you every single day in my Private Brainstorming Group and also offer private consulting with my Private Brainstorming Hour option as well.

I would love to work with you in 2017! ;-)

The faster you put something in action, the quicker you'll see results!