It's time to stop struggling. You have options. Email me!

Published: Wed, 02/01/17

There are only 2 of 5 spots left, BUT you do have other options - so let's talk!

I know you aren't where you want to be with your business right now. I can say that with full confidence, because no one is ever where they want to be. We're human. It's only natural to want to do more, do better, improve yourself, improve your sales & conversions - or heck, just get STARTED on a goal (instead of wishing & wanting) - right?

The five spots I'm talking about are the ones I (very quietly) shared here:

You'll want to read that first. It explains everything. Well... sort of. You'll probably still have questions - or wonder if you should be one of the two last lucky people to snag a spot, or if you should do something else altogether.

I can help you with that decision. 

I'm in my office all day and night today - still recovering from a nasty flu, but feeling tons better. And today, the whole month of February actually, I'm celebrating 20 full years in business. :) It has me in a GREAT mood, and I want to do something nice.

So hit reply and shoot me a quick email. What would help you most right now? Or if you need a recommendation on something, let me know - if I don't have a good answer for you for some reason, I'll try to find it for you through my network of peers.

ANY question is fine, or just let me know what you're struggling with in your business.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Lynn Terry

p.s. Just for opening this email and reading my note at I want to give you something free. Not something to junk up your hard drive either, something you can actually USE - with cool stuff you can implement now and actually see results from...

Here it is:

Enjoy :)

p.p.s. They STILL haven't raised the price on Script Engage 2.0 (amazingly powerful sales copy creator) and the coupon code STILL works as of this morning. See: I added a video there for you so you can see what it DOES.