If you want to sell products online this year, in any niche...

Published: Wed, 02/08/17

If you're not creating and selling products, you're missing out on A LOT of money. Not just on the product sales, but on the list of buyers and on being able to leverage affiliates & JV partners to grow your business BIG.

There's good money on product sales and product launches alone, but the REAL win is in the long-term revenue streams and profit potential it adds to your business.

If you do already have products - are they selling as well as you'd hoped? Or have you given up on them? It wouldn't take much to bring them back and see SUCCESS with them this time around. ;-) It's always easier to work with what you have, than it is to create something new or start all over from scratch...

It feels like a daunting & overwhelming task, to create and launch a product, create a funnel, all the pieces and parts and tasks.

It's really not - each part of it is pretty easy to do.

Given my experience online you'd think I'd whip out products with ease - but even I really thrive on checklists and step-by-step action lists.

I find it helps BEAT the overwhelm so I can GSD (get stuff done!).

Plus I still have to learn the new stuff, what's working now, or the new tools that can help me reach more people and make more sales.

Since this is what I'm working on myself right now, I wanted to share the resources I'm using myself - to make things faster, easier and more profitable. You may already have some of these. If so, find them & put them to work!

If you don't have a product yet and need help creating one (in ANY niche), check out the Info Product Mastery Workshop. Read the entire page, it covers all the steps and gives you all the tools you NEED to pull off a great product in any niche!

"This was by FAR the most honest and informative course I have ever attended. I am THRILLED that I made the investment, and really excited to get started!" ~Tiffany Wong

What you need to create and/or sell more products this year:

Have a Facebook Page and want to make more sales from it?
Check out the video on this page...

Then see my post at Creative Social Marketing Tips for ideas & examples (cool UNIQUE ways to use it!). Note: there's a free download & free wordpress plugin in that post too - use them both.

In addition to my aggressive organic marketing strategy, I'll be making good use of Facebook Advertising - the cheap way. ;-) It not only helps you make sales, but also build a list of prospects & buyers. See the Facebook Ad method I'm using myself.  

You need Sales Copy Software to create the kind of PRO sales copy that CONVERTS. I didn't even know step-by-step fill-in-the-blank copywriting software existed! I don't think it did actually, before Script Engage was just released. 

Look inside MY account here, including a video and screen shots to get an idea what to expect with it:
http://www.clicknewz.com/14294/templates-to-make-sales-online/ It does everything but make lunch. ;-) Plus it's still cheap! (use coupon code: 5offscript to make it even cheaper)

I'm also using a set of templates, checklists & actionable outlines to get organized, STAY on track with my projects, beat overwhelm and stay FOCUSED on getting it all done.

You can see all the template sets here...
(use coupon code: LYNNSDEAL for a special discount on any of them)

These are the specific template packages I'm using myself right now:

Sales Funnel Templates & Graphics 
Includes a strategy guide, sales page template, upsell page template, thank you page template, OTO (one-time-offer) template, copywriting swipe files, and a HUGE sales page graphics collection with: arrows, add-to-cart buttons, buy now & join now buttons, product graphics you can edit & more.

Goal Setting for Online Marketers Templates
This one has A LOT of cool stuff in it, like "50 ways to sell your product fast" and "50 income-increasing ideas" and tons more - just implementing ONE idea pays for the entire package over and over!

JV/Affiliate Recruitment Templates
You're going to need affiliates and JV partners to really increase your reach, and get the kind of traffic it takes to sell A LOT of products. This is the EASY WAY to sell a product even if you don't have your own list or followers yet, as you simply leverage the established market leaders. ;-)

Webinar Selling Templates

The LYNNSDEAL coupon code will work on any of those to make them super cheap for you.

Here are some more I haven't opened yet (but have) that you might really like:

List Building Templates

Blog Planning and Content Building Templates

Social Media Templates

Affiliate Marketing Templates

Kindle Publishing Templates

I hope some of these resources prove as helpful to you as they are for me! :)

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you need help pulling it all together, using the resources you have, and creating a kickass marketing strategy... join my Private Brainstorming Group where I can work with you hands-on as you go, or get in touch with me about one-on-one consulting. I'd be happy to help you. It's TIME for you to make your goals happen!