Apology, Explanation & Live Example - About Facebook...

Published: Wed, 02/22/17

I was really confused, and other people were too because I got several emails about it. I actually had to read the page three times to get it myself, but it wasn't until I watched the "hidden video" in the middle of the page that I kept scrolling past that I REALLY got it. :p

(That means they did a terrible job explaining it!)

First, let me show you a live example from my Facebook Page that should excite you - or at least inspire you. :)

It's a picture of a loaf of bread.

That's it. And of course some text and a link - my explanation of what it is, where I get it, and why I like it.

Notice the reach. Notice the likes and comments.

Notice the 44 SHARES. :-)

And that was just on my Facebook Page - that doesn't include the engagement in my Facebook Group, on Instagram, Pinterest, etc.

Back to the confusion...

I mentioned the other day that I'm going to test out this brand new social marketing software. I don't do any automation otherwise. I've grown my reach and built my niche community manually, using free organic / manual methods.

But THIS tool got my attention.

See What Socimattic Does...

Unfortunately, that page doesn't really explain *everything* it does, or even exactly HOW it does it. What it fails to point out is that you can include text and a link, just like in my post example above!

It also does WAY more than quotes, which I only discovered by watching the video about 2/3 down the page that I kept skipping over - like quizzes and other fun types of social updates. :)

Given that Facebook and Email are STILL my top two sources of conversions, I'm definitely going to test this software out. It's super cheap right now, so there's really no reason NOT to.

The cool thing is, you can also download anything you create in this software, and use it anywhere else on the web. Like in your blog posts, on Instagram, on sales pages - you name it!

Anyway, apologies for the confusion about Socimattic. I was confused too. :) Now I'm PUMPED about trying it out! I hope my explanation helped you understand it better too, and how it works - and that it does a lot more than it seems.

If you need a major Facebook Engagement Boost, check it out...

Of course, it works on every other social network too, but Facebook is super HOT right now...

As you can see from my "viral bread" above. ;-)

Lynn Terry

p.s. Here's a free download that shows you exactly how I build up my audience online. Read through that and USE those tips to do the same. ;-)

If you need HELP getting your social media going, or getting your business off the ground, see my note from yesterday because... you may be sitting on a goldmine!

 Click Here To Watch The Video