Want the "secret" to what's working right now?

Published: Tue, 03/14/17

There's only one way to get "the scoop" about what's working online NOW. Well two ways actually. The first is in the trenches, testing & tweaking - which can be time consuming and get really expensive.

The second way is easier: learn from someone that's actually DOING it - right now.

I used to prefer the first way, because I was a control freak and testing geek (lol). Now I prefer the second way because I got lazy - or just plain SMART. :p

Which brings us to a little bit of a sidetrack:

Why I wasn't in San Diego last week for the Traffic & Conversion Summit.

I got tons of messages asking me where I was. Call me crazy, because it's the BEST event of the year with all of the TOP online marketers spilling the BIGGEST secrets to online success... but this is where I was instead:

Why was I not at the event?! For two reasons...

The first reason is personal. You might have noticed I haven't been traveling much lately. I haven't been to an industry event in almost a year actually, which is rare and weird if you know me at all. Like I said, it's personal. Sometimes you just can't travel, or want or need to be at home, for whatever reason. I have mine.

The second reason is because... I knew Tim Castleman was going to be there. :)

Tim takes mad notes at all the events. Actually he has an entire team of note takers that he flies in to this event, and he is the ONLY one authorized to take & share notes from these "closed door" sessions.

As soon as he offered them, I just ordered his notes to study at home!

I actually attended the event last year. It was second-to-none, the absolute best event and TOP online marketing information you could get - period. I shared my candid thoughts on that event here.

It was a mind-blowing, crowded, exhausting, expensive four days... and I came home with swollen ankles and slept for a week. :p

I got a TON out of that event though. But I STILL got way more out of Tim's notes from the event - which I studied at home where I could actually focus, and more importantly: implement.

I still have those notes (along with other event notes he's shared) on my desk, a year later, printed and in a binder... and I refer to them OFTEN:

They're THAT good.

Not the kind of thing you buy and forget. Definitely the kind of thing you'll refer to and implement... over and over - with great results!

There was ONE thing I learned from T&C last year that totally changed my business. It was a crazy cool insight I never would have thought of myself. The smallest thing really, but WOW at how it changed my thinking - and how I "marketed" to my audience!!

So yes, the minute Tim said I could pre-order his notes from this year's event, I jumped on it. At the moment (until tomorrow) they're only $37. And we're talking over 100 pages of the TOP online marketing strategies. The stuff you simply cannot get anywhere else.

I hate to even think about what I spent attending this event last year (thousands). So the idea of 37 bucks and no jet lag kinda made me smile. :) haha

I would really like to twist your arm and tell you: DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS - but that feels kinda rude. I'll just say... it's the top training of 2017, and you'd be wise to grab it so cheap.

I did. And yes, I paid for it myself (I wasn't given a copy). The notes aren't even ready yet actually. They are busy cleaning them up and creating the files, so they'll be released on March 27th. But yeah, I jumped on the chance to pre-order them cheap (for $37 instead of $67).

You should get them too.

I'm not twisting your arm or anything though. :) Just saying... you really should.

Why? Because this is NOT rinky dink marketing tricks you can read about on blogs or in something you download from the Warrior Forum. The stuff they share and teach at Traffic & Conversion Summit is totally cutting edge online marketing strategies nobody is sharing anywhere else - period.

I'll leave it at that, and leave it up to you...

But my advice: get the T&C notes and put them in a 3-ring binder like I did (and will again this year), and commit to learning just ONE thing you implement in your business this year... then come back and thank me later. ;-)

You may feel like you already have enough training on your hard drive, or you may feel overwhelmed with what you're already doing. But ask yourself this:

How is that working out for you?

Are you SURE you have the top training, the most current strategies? Are you absolutely sure that what you have now is going to move you forward fast?

If you are sure, that's great! Just make sure you IMPLEMENT - take fast action, and get your business to maximum profit potential this year. :)

If you're not 100% sure... get Tim's Notes and you'll have the TOP training for 2017: the "what's working RIGHT NOW" online, from the people who are raking in the crazy money.

Oh - and I'll say this: They aren't "making a killing" selling information on "making a killing." I was actually SHOCKED at the niches they're working in, how they're working them, and how much money they're making in some of the most obscure niches online.

That was probably one of my coolest take-aways from last year's event when I attended live: seeing them APPLY "internet marketing strategies" in such a wide variety of REAL niches!

You'll love the notes. ;-)

Lynn Terry

p.s. I really did miss going to the live event and hanging out with all the cool people there... but I had my reasons for staying home. It's the BIGGEST event of the industry, with 4+ sessions going on at once. Which means you're running non stop and still missing out on more than 75% of it - even if you DO spend thousands of dollars to actually BE there.

Or you could be smart and stay home and get all the training for $37 without missing out on a single thing... like I did. I almost feel bad. ALMOST. :)