Easy traffic, 527 sales, all organic (no ads)... here's how.

Published: Sun, 05/28/17

I hear people say making money online is hard. That is NOT true. The way I do it is just plain easy - and the results speak for themselves. ;-)

I've been working online for over 20 years now, and haven't had a job since early 1997 - with my online business being the sole source of income for my family.

Everything I'm doing is public, so you can easily follow my lead using my live examples. I also share my tips, resources & results with you. And of course I offer hands-on help & consulting if you need FAST help and fresh creative ideas/angles - and accountability.

Take this post for example: http://www.clicknewz.com/14501/pinterest-traffic-secrets/ - Yes, it's about why I'm studying the "Pinterest Success Strategies" course (and why I think you should too).

But it also includes some very obvious strategies you can easily implement yourself - plus I share the HOW and the resources I use, which are free and really helpful, along with some exercises to help you discover new buyers in your niche.

In case you missed it when you read that post at the link above... I'm doing all organic marketing to get those results (ie: SALES). I don't use paid advertising in my niche. Which means all the traffic & sales are free. :)

I'm using all the usual methods: blogging (content), email list, social media, etc. Mostly social media - because it's free & easy! And also because that's where the buyers are now...

People have evolved with the social/mobile evolution of the internet, and they use Google and search differently now. Search engines have evolved accordingly as well - making "SEO" a totally different animal than it was a few years ago.

There is some debate over whether "social signals" (your social reach & popularity) affect your search rankings. But I'll tell you this: it DOES make a difference. That's a whole topic in itself, and one worth researching if you have time.

Anyway - I don't want to get too wordy. :)

Here are two free downloads that will prove VERY helpful:

Checklist for Building Your Audience

Brainstorming Worksheets / Idea Generators

My advice: create a sustainable business, by building an audience in your niche. That's exactly what I'm doing, and how I'm seeing such great results!

In this post: http://www.clicknewz.com/14501/pinterest-traffic-secrets/ I mentioned I made over 250 sales in the first 72 hours.

Those numbers have more than doubled now, to 527 sales - as of 12 hours ago, the last time I checked. And that doesn't include add-on sales I made TOO. :)

It was all via content & social media - free, easy, organic methods.

That is exactly why I'm so excited about the potential with Pinterest. I've been doing A LOT of research, and discovered it's FULL of buyers - and product based posts do VERY well there. :)

That's why I sent you this image earlier - so you could see that for yourself:

The two downloads I gave you above should prove very helpful in building out your own audience, and seeing the same results that I do.

You can also see exactly how I do what I do, how I host Product Discussions that result in great conversions, how I increase my revenue sources and more in my Super Affiliate Tricks training.

I encourage you to pick up Jennifer Ledbetter's Pinterest Success Strategies too, before our exclusive coupon code expires on Monday. You probably know Jennifer best as "PotPieGirl" - she's been around for ages just like me, testing in the trenches. ;-)

Here's the link & coupon code: lynnterry50

I feel like this note is too long, especially for a weekend, so I apologize... but I really wanted to inspire & motivate you to focus on what matters - instead of spinning your wheels trying to figure things out. Because it's really NOT that hard.

In closing I'll just say:

Learn from those who have already "done the work"... then test & tweak and get creative as you go. ;-)

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you want hands-on help with implementation on any of these things, or even figuring out how to get started, go here: http://www.clicknewz.com/hands-on-help/

I'm hosting a "Social Media Traffic & Sales Challenge" there too, and we're just getting ready to kick off... so join us & get your own exciting results! ;-)