How to spot a "Shiny Object" (steer clear of these!)

Published: Wed, 05/31/17

You've heard of Shiny Object Syndrome, right? Maybe you even have it!

I had a great discussion about this in one of Facebook Groups yesterday, and wanted to share a point on that with you.

The term basically means that it's a product or an offer you don't need, or that distracts you from your goals, but you get excited and buy it anyway. Or a more official definition:

"Shiny Object Syndrome (Objectivius Shinium Syndromus) is defined as the attraction to objects that exhibit a glassy, polished, gleaming or otherwise shiny appearance. Something as simple as a reflection in your peripheral vision may easily distract your attention."

How to KNOW when something is a Shiny Object - vs a great investment for your online business.

1. If it fits in line with your current goals or objectives, or helps you accomplish a task you're working on right now, it is NOT a shiny object but rather a smart investment.

2. If it does NOT fit in with your current goals, or isn't a match for where you are in the process with your business or project, it IS a shiny object.

3. If it will help you make even more money, accomplish your goal faster, or increase your traffic & sales - it's a great investment, NOT a shiny object.

A product/service/offer either takes you closer to your goal, or distracts you from it. Knowing the difference is how you stay focused on growing your business in the right direction - instead of getting distracted & overwhelmed.

Investment vs Expense

There's another determining factor at play too: YOU.

If you invest in something, then don't use it or implement it, then that investment is actually an expense - and that's on you. That does NOT make it a Shiny Object. ;-)

Tip: No matter what you invest in (whether you invest time OR money) always make it a point to use it to make your money back - and turn a profit!

Make deliberate decisions about how you spend your time and money.

That ^ is the key to making sure you're investing in your business for GREAT returns - and awesome results.

This topic came up in a discussion about the Pinterest Success Strategies training I'm implementing myself right now, and recommended - along with a half off discount. (you can get it here, and use coupon code: Secret50 for 50% off)

Implementation is the key of course, to see a return.

That's exactly why I am hosting the "Pinterest Traffic & Sales Challenge" inside my Private Brainstorming Group during the month of June. If you want to join us, for collaboration & accountability - because working through a course together is more fun! - see:

I'll leave the cheap monthly option open for another day or so to make it easy for you to join just for one month if you like.

Whatever you decide: Always Decide Smart!

Almost every product or service or offer has amazing potential, IF it's the right timing, IF it's in line with YOUR goals, and IF you put it into play for a long-term profitable return. :)

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you need help deciding if Pinterest would help your business, or if you should join my Private Brainstorming Group - hit reply. I'm happy to give you my honest feedback on that.

p.p.s. Lori asked me if Pinterest would be a good marketing platform for a Mortgage Loan Originator. My answer: "Start here: and also analyze the related searches across the top of the page. I was pretty surprised at those results! What about you?"

She was shocked too. Like me, and pretty much everyone else, she assumed Pinterest was ONLY for crafts, recipes, home decor, etc - more "Betty Crocker than Business."

My research has proven me wrong... and I'm all over this platform! ;-)

Here's the course I'm studying:

Pinterest Success Strategies ( coupon code: Secret50 )