Quick follow-up (scan these bullet points)

Published: Fri, 06/23/17

48 hours ago I sent you a long personal note. I hope you had a chance to read that. I've spent the last two days responding to people that replied to it, making more notes, and putting a lot of consideration into the points & replies.

If you're struggling to make money online, or start/grow your business online like you REALLY want to... you are not alone.


More people are struggling than are succeeding.

Why is that?! The reason is different for everyone - including you.

It isn't because it's difficult, it certainly isn't impossible, and it isn't because successful people are special. The reason for success or failure (or mediocre results) is our own individual responsibility.

The traffic, sales, money & success is there for the having.

You just have to be a go-getter and MAKE it happen.

Here are some points from that last email (and our discussion on it in Brainstorming Hour yesterday) that ended up being the biggest take-aways, based on replies and feedback in the last 48 hours. The cliffnotes version if you will:

* Stop Tweaking & Start Taking Action

* Only do things that count toward results.

* The only metric that COUNTS is: Conversions

* Figure things out as you go, and create checklists to make the processes easier next time.

* Do the EASIEST tasks that get the QUICKEST results

* "The only thing you really need is to have something people want."

* If you aren't seeing consistent results, ask yourself: am I doing consistent work?

* How aggressive are you at building your business? Get MORE aggressive!

* There is a BIG difference between "running an online business" and making money online" - are you only focusing on the latter?

* Define your business. Then ONLY do what falls in line with your goals for that business.

I hope at least something in that list, or in the original note, made a difference for you this week. My advice: use my 5 worksheets. Fill them out. All of them, even if your blog or business is established - you'll get fresh ideas from Page 5 you hadn't considered before!

Here's the download link -> http://www.clicknewz.com/membersonly/ActionPlanWorksheets5.pdf

Those are the worksheets I use with my members & clients, and I work through those with them to help them create a strategic plan and get their results kick-started. They're VERY beneficial for getting focused on what matters and for getting results. I think you'll find the same, even working through them on your own.

I know... because I originally created them for myself. :)

As always, if you have any thoughts or questions - hit reply!

Lynn Terry

p.s. I'm listening! There has been a lot of great feedback lately, and I'm using that to find better ways to help you reach YOUR goals. I like that we're working through this... together. ;)

On that note, I'm still considering the great feedback on my rate increase that we discussed recently. I'm not currently taking new consulting clients, or members to my Private Brainstorming Group. Not publicly at least. If you feel you're in a place to take serious action with the right help, feel free to email me. Taking initiative goes a long way with me. ;)