Free: Lead Magnet & Content You Can Monetize (Level: Easy)

Published: Wed, 07/19/17

You should download this freebie today, but first let me tell you WHY so you can put it to great use - super fast. ;-)

What It Is:

This free download is pre-written content with private label rights in the format of a 7-day challenge you can use as a lead magnet & list builder.

You could also use the content for blog posts, combine them all into an ebook, use them to host a live challenge to kick off a Facebook Group (or get yours more active!), use the content for a video series - you name it! You could even do all of the above...

Click Here To Download It

Private Label Rights means that you can present the content as your own, monetize it, edit it to your liking, change it or use it anyway you please - you have full rights to publish & use it to build your business.

Is It Relevant To My Niche?

The short answer is: YES! :)

The topic is "7 Day Make-over-your-Morning Challenge" which is relevant to practically any niche. I'll give you some examples, just to get your creativity flowing - so you can see how you could use this in YOUR niche...


In my low carb niche, I can tailor it to the weight loss market and how to change your morning habits to kick off a healthy day - that lasts all day long and gets you in the habit of making healthy lifestyle changes. I could add to the content too, giving them low carb ideas, and turn it into a "7 Day Low Carb Kick-Start Challenge."

See? Easy!

If you have a homeschool blog, teach moms how to kick-start their homeschool day organized & productive - with happy children! Target entrepreneurs or people who work from home? That one is a no-brainer: challenge them to focus, start every day with a money task, and change habits to become more productive & efficient.

What To Expect Next...

After you download this free content you can use in ANY way you want to increase traffic, engagement, build your list, etc... you'll see a discounted offer on the self help membership that I told you about awhile back. It's GREAT, and the public price is already entirely too cheap. But this is the only way I know of to still get a discount on it - after you download the free content they're offering here.

So if you missed out on that when they had an introductory offer awhile back, now is your chance to get it cheap!

At the very least be sure to grab the free download... and dig in and get started with it.

Here's the Download Page link...

Lynn Terry

p.s. There are SO many ways you can use this free content, and tailor it to your niche. My advice: set up a landing page, or even a simple blog post, and use it to build your email list. Deliver the content via email, but also use your Facebook Group to engage people in the challenge. It's a great way to get your Group more active, or a great way to start a new group & kick it off strong! ;-)