If you blog, read this today . (case study, cool results!)

Published: Fri, 08/04/17

I've been getting 300+ new email subscribers on my niche blog from just ONE source, consistently for more than 7 weeks now.

It's not the only source of list building I use, but this one is by far the BEST way to build up your niche email list FAST that I've ever seen! :)

AND... it only took me 15 minutes to set it up (once), and it just keeps working (building my mailing list) - week after week!

THAT has to appeal. Because we all know that most list building methods or any marketing strategy really tends to take FOREVER to set up, usually leaving you pulling your hair out and frustrated - and just giving up on it. :p That wasn't the case with this plugin at all. It was super easy, and literally took me 15 minutes to set up & customize.

Smart Tip: WHY this is a brilliant way to build your email list!

The plugin I'm using is called PostGopher, and what it does is turn your blog content (or any content on a WordPress platform) into a PDF file that your visitors can download - which puts them on your email list.

WHY is that a smart way to build your list? Because your new subscribers specifically signed up to get your CONTENT, which is the IDEAL subscriber to have on your list!

For more than 6 years now I've been running my niche blog, and I have never had an opt-in incentive (a lead magnet or "bribe") on my site. So the more than 30,000 email subscribers I do have... opted in JUST for my content. Because they WANT to receive my emails.

So instead of people unsubscribing when they start getting emails from me, they actually COMPLAIN if they don't get my emails! :)

You can see my early results here. Then I shared more results with you two weeks ago.

And since then? In a few short weeks I've gained 2,283 new subscribers to my niche email list... just from this ONE plugin alone! How do I know that? Because the plugin comes with very detailed (awesome!) stats, including the fact that I currently have a 48.51% conversion rate with it. :)

Just to catch you up, I installed it on June 13th. Two weeks ago I told you I had 1,682 new subscribers since then. And as of today, 601 new subscribers in the last two weeks - for a total of 2,283 new subscribers (that WANT my content) in just 7.5 weeks ... which averages 304.4 subscribers per week, just from this plugin alone!

Here's a screenshot of my stats - then keep reading because I want to answer some of your questions about this awesome list-building plugin...

The most common question/comment I've had about this plugin is:

"I can see how it would work great for your TravelingLowCarb.com site because people would want to download recipes. But will it work for MY site?"

The answer is: I don't actually publish very many recipes. The whole point of my niche site is "how to eat low carb everywhere BUT the kitchen." :) As you can see from my stats above, the most common types of posts people want to sign up by email for & download are informational.

Note: The 4th blog post on the list above in my stats... is ALL affiliate links. :)

The stats alone make this plugin a HUGE asset. They actually surprised me - seeing the TYPE of content people MOST want to save/share. Which in most cases is lists, how-to information and resources (not recipes, although those are popular too).

What do those stats tell me?

The TYPE of content I need to create more of - what my target audience likes most! ;-)

The second set of questions I get about it are: will it include or remove my Adsense code, and will it keep my affiliate links intact? The answer is: it does removes the Adsense code when it creates a PDF file of your blog post, so the PDF it creates is "clean" and a great ad-free beautiful download for your readers.

And yes, it DOES keep your affiliate images and hyperlinks intact, so the PDF files your visitors download from your site are just as monetized as your blog itself. Which means when they read it offline, or share it with others, you continue making money from your content!

This is one of two list-building plugins I'm using, and you can see them both in action at that link too - if you want a live hands on example of how they work.

If you aren't using PostGopher yet, you really should be! Read this first, then...

Both of the plugins are great, but this one is really blowing me away!

And it's still cheap...

300+ new email subscribers per week, every week, speaks for itself!

I'm all about doing the fastest, easiest work for the quickest results. :)

Speaking of, if you need hands-on help creating a strategic action plan and simplifying an online business you've totally over-complicated at this point (don't feel bad lol, you're not alone!) hit reply and let's talk. My help is not as expensive as you think... but I currently only have time to take on two new clients that are SERIOUS about getting to maximum profit potential.

If that's you, let's talk!

Lynn Terry

p.s. I have NEVER seen a plugin give me RESULTS this great - this fast.

It's super cheap, and worth EVERY penny. ;-) Watch The Video Here...