Happy Monday :) Free Stuff & Smart Tips For Your Week!

Published: Mon, 08/07/17

Here's a quick list of free downloads, smart tips & cool ideas you can scan over to kick off a productive week. Pick something that will increase your traffic & exposure or revenue!

I've been super busy in my own business lately, so apologies for the "quick list" for you to scan - but I'll be back with more great tips & case studies once I get caught up. What have I been busy at exactly? "The stuff that makes the money!" of course. :) Anyway, I didn't want you to miss out on any of these tips/ideas/resources - so scan over this super quick for what YOU can use:

Free Download: "Creating New Habits" Content with Private Label Rights
This is perfect if your business is about self improvement, getting healthier, being more productive - it's pretty much ideal for any niche where you're helping people make positive changes to see RESULTS. ;-)

Note: On that page you'll find 5 more "content bundles" you can download FREE and edit/use/rebrand as your own content. Topics include fitness, email marketing, personal finance & more. Enjoy!

If you're working on list building, you'll want to see this case study:
300+ new email subscribers per week, every week, speaks for itself...

If you sell on Amazon, you'll want to read these 3 things to improve your sales:
Amazon Optimization: 10 Quick Tests to Improve Rankings, Traffic & Sales
How to Easily Test & Tweak Amazon Titles for Maximum Results
Amazon Keywords: Is the 250-Character Search Term Limit Real?

I was just sharing this graphic on my niche facebook page again...

Take notice of the links I included with that image. ;-)

Why? Because "informational graphics" do awesome on Facebook, Pinterest, and pretty much anywhere online. People LOVE visuals! All I did was repurpose one of my blog posts into an image. Easy! 

You can see my original results when I shared this same image 2 years ago. Why not share it again, right? Of course! Tip: What can YOU pull out of YOUR archives today, something that did well before... and put it back out again? Consider that, then go do it. :)

Here are the graphics templates I used to easily create infographics. (note: the date on the sales page is OLD but the product is still awesome and the price is still super cheap.) A must-have in your business resources in my opinion. At the very least, pass the templates off to your assistant or designer, because they're GREAT - and drive RESULTS!

Lynn Terry

p.s. I had to reopen the cheap monthly option to join my Private Brainstorming Group to let a member back in (PayPal bumps people out sometimes when they update their payment method). Anyway, it's open right now - but not for long! So if you've been wanting to join, or if you want to learn more about it, go to: http://www.clicknewz.com/hands-on-help/

Hit reply if you have any questions. ;-) *cheers*