I want to help you make money online, but...

Published: Wed, 07/05/17

I don't want to sell you anything.

There are no buy links in this note. Because:

I'm not sure where you are in the process of making money online...

Are you just getting started, or trying to figure out HOW to get started?

Or are you somewhere in the middle with pieces and parts all over the place - and feeling completely STUCK and frustrated?

I would really like to help you figure out the next best step to make this happen for you - to help you achieve that awesome "mobile business lifestyle" that I enjoy myself.

Instead of giving you some "one size fits all solution-in-a-box" that probably doesn't even address YOUR situation, goals or current struggles... I would like to just sit down with you and figure out what WOULD help.

Let's talk solutions!

There are all kinds of options. I could potentially help you "create" an entire internet business - from scratch. Or help you nail down your goals and objectives - and actually achieve them.

You don't need another ebook or a program. You need real help and actual guidance from a veteran in the industry. Someone like me with over 20 years in the trenches...

I don't do email consultations, and I'm very limited on taking consulting clients right now because I'm working on some things in my own business. But for the right person, that's ready right now - we could at least discuss options. I can almost always make an exception for someone that's ready to take serious action. ;)

Just hit reply and let me know where you are in the process, and what you're struggling with most.

Don't worry if you're qualified for me to work with you, or if I can even help you in your situation, or whether you can afford me or not. Just take the initiative and reach out, and at least find out your options.

Even if you're already a member of my Private Brainstorming Group where you have total access to me - you may be missing something YOU need to get things to the next step. Let me help you figure out what that is...

We can set up a "power hour" and blow through everything holding you back, and get a strategic action plan set up for you. I'm talking real steps, tailored to your current situation.

There are other options too, and time with me may not even be what you need right now - but I can point you in the right direction, to whatever WILL help the most.

There's no obligation in a quick email chat...

I'm not going to pressure you, twist your arm, or smack you with some ridiculous pitch. We'll just talk - period. At the very least you'll have someone to share your biggest frustration with, and I'll get a better idea of ways I can help other people (if you're not really ready to make a move yet). Either way it will benefit us both.

Like I said, I'm working on some BIG things in my own business right now so I'll be in my office all week, or at least somewhere with a laptop or phone. It may take me a little time to get back to you, because I "go dark" for hours at a time - either for downtime, or powertime. :) I'm about to dig in and knock out some priority money tasks for example, then go offline for some social plans to wind down. I love having that kind of freeflow flexibility in my schedule!

Speaking of - and geez, let me apologize, I meant to keep this short! Anyway, that just reminded me of someone that caught MY interest recently. Someone I was really interested in working with. I even attended this person's event. I love everything this person does. It's awesome and I'd like to be doing more of what this person does. And I always say: Learn from the person that is DOING what YOU want to achieve yourself. Unfortunately "this person" is untouchable. Every attempt at making personal contact to get a question answered, or even to get a feel for whether there's a good connection there, was squashed. They have everything so automated and outsourced (which is fine, I get it)... that I couldn't get a WORD out of them. And when I spent close to $1,000 to be in a location where I could get actual "face time" with said person - I felt totally blown off. I couldn't get a response or even acknowledged via Facebook message, in their Facebook Group, by email, or even IN person. And I'm Lynn Terry - I happen to have a little clout. So I doubt you'd have any luck there either. :p Which sucks, but sadly it's common with most self-proclaimed "gurus" out there.

I won't do you that way. I'll answer you personally. And as quickly as I possibly can.

You just have to do your part and reach out... I'm here for you.

Lynn Terry

p.s. I'll leave you with two quotes that are really speaking to ME right now: