Friday Catch-Up, Quick Note from Lynn...

Published: Fri, 09/01/17

Are you dreaming BIG enough?

Are you trying HARD enough?

Two great questions to ponder today as you consider your goals for working online, or creating a dream lifestyle and internet business. ;-)

I have a few updates to share with you, and then an invitation, so scan over this note real quick to see what stands out to you - based on where you are with things, and what you most want to accomplish...

First, today is the last day to get the Vizully graphics program at a discount. And you’ll need to use this discount code to get it: 5off - after today you’ll have to pay full price to get it.

Should you get Vizully? I shared the why / why not in this note, along with other great options. So if you’re on the fence, read that first. I did end up getting it, did a “lazy test” with it, and I shared my results here.

Maybe you’re not ready for that yet...

Are you still looking for a way to make money online?

Rapid Profit System is a business model in itself, even for newbies. And for less than $20 it’s a steal to learn this very specific step-by-step process for making money online!

His story alone is worth seeing if nothing else:
Click here to watch the inspiring video!

Note to members of my Private Brainstorming Group: we won’t have live Brainstorming Hour sessions next week as Monday is a national US holiday, then my daughter’s 21st birthday, and straight after that I’m traveling to Atlanta for the Exposure & Profit event. I hope to see some of you there? It would be great to brainstorm in person for a change! :)

In my last note I shared some interesting stats & live examples, including “what I’m worth” to sponsors and advertisers. Did you get a chance to check YOUR grade & value?

If not, check it out:

I was just published in a national magazine, and earlier this week I was recording for a popular online tv show. I’m getting crazy, fun, profitable opportunities left and right! And not even as “the well known Lynn Terry" but in my newer niche (as @LowCarbTraveler).

If I can do this… there is NO reason you can’t do it too, and do it BETTER than me even.

I teach my affiliate marketing and social marketing strategies weekly in my Private Brainstorming Group. Including an over-the-shoulder look into my own niche & business, what I’m doing, HOW I’m doing it, revenue sources & strategies - and more.

If you want to get on the fast-track to seeing RESULTS like mine for yourself, you should join us! 

Maybe you think you’re not qualified because you’re still “waffling” - or you haven’t even figured out your passion or your niche, or a viable online business model yet. That’s okay, because inside my group… I will personally help you narrow that down and get your business set up. Yes, seriously! 

If you’re curious what other people have to say about working with me, click here to read their thoughts & experiences first before you decide.

You DO NOT have to struggle to do something cool online and start seeing awesome results. Nothing I do myself is hard, or even technical...

It’s easy actually, and I’m having FUN doing it!

If the examples and ideas I share with you don’t inspire and motivate you, then you may be hopeless.:) But if they do, and you’re tired of spinning your wheels or doing things the hard way for NO results (or dismal, disappointing results)cut that out, and let me help you!

I would LOVE to see you reach your full potential, and see your goals become a reality. :)

Wishing you a happy Friday and a GREAT weekend...

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you’re not sure if my group is right for you, or you have any questions about it, just hit reply and send me an email. I’m happy to give you a straightforward answer about whether it’s a good fit, based on where you are and what you most want to accomplish.:) *cheers*


Note: Omar Martin, one of the top JVZoo affiliates that is constantly rocking leaderboards and raking in massive commissions, just released his entire strategy in a detailed training with his Rapid Profit System.

And he's sharing it all for less than 20 bucks, including his tested templates!