Video Reveal: How I'm Boosting Reach & Revenue (FAST)

Published: Sat, 09/23/17

The PROOF is in the PROFIT...

That's why I decided to do a quick test for myself, just to SEE if there was any real potential - or if it was worth "the hassle" of doing (which is what I expected it to be, in all honesty).

Let me backtrack though, and fill you in. ;-)

Two weeks ago today I was in Atlanta sitting in a conference listening to Monique Johnson talk about Livestreaming. I was NOT expecting to be swayed, because I've dabbled with this a bit in the past and I always ended up frustrated with the "nuts & bolts" - putting it together, the technology flopping on me, you name it.

I used to do LOTS of video as part of my organic online marketing strategy, but I even stopped that almost completely a few years ago... too. Which is silly, because it got a HUGE response. But again, I got frustrated with the time it took me and just went back to static promotions (blog posts, image & link updates, etc).

But then, Monique said something that REALLY grabbed my attention and totally pulled me in! She said:

"You can sell products all day every day with Facebook Live."

She kind of said it in passing even, while giving us TONS of tips & ideas and showing us her detailed livestreaming strategy. But for me, THAT is when a BIG light bulb went off!!

To say I was taking mad notes from that point forward would be an understatement, lol.

I'm actually already selling products all day every day on social media, Facebook included. And I've repeatedly shared with you exactly how I am doing that, all along the way.

You've been paying attention, right? ;)

Anyway, I know (big confession) that I'm doing it "badly" - meaning I don't take the time to size my images appropriately for each platform, or add attention-grabbing text to my images, or go the extra mile (at all) like I see others in my niche doing...

Yet I'm still converting and selling and consistently growing my reach & revenue - even with my "lazy marketing" approach. Which is great! :) I've tested things, I know what works, and now I can easily "scale up" and improve that with some minor tweaks.

So why Social Live Streaming, then?

The short answer is: because it's faster, easier and makes more money. :)

But of course I didn't know that until I did a quick test...

Here's what I shared before I did that test, the WHY behind my test, and my advice to you if you decide to test it too:

Click here to watch the video on YouTube

...or better yet, watch the livestream video in my Social Marketing Results group here! That way you can watch the discussion as it unfolds. ;-)

It's not a sales pitch btw, just a FUN casual discussion.

I was NOT a fan of Facebook Live before that test - AT ALL.

The results though, were SHOCKING. And I'm not talking about the results from ^THAT^ video, but rather the live video I did next (that I was discussing there) - in my own niche.

When I say the results were shocking, that's another understatement for you. I was totally blown away by the results - and how it grew my reach & revenue, and how FAST, plus how EASY it was!

That was on Tuesday night. Fast forward, and the sales just KEEP coming in, day after day after day. :) Now THAT is something we can get excited about, right?!

The video above is a casual candid conversation that was recorded, where I shared what I was about to do - and WHY. You can watch it here. I shared A LOT of great tips, and things for you to consider. At least give it a watch - and let me know what you think. ;)

Next though, I want to share my results with you... because like I said, they really surprised ME - in a BIG way! And the test AND the results happened in my niche as @LowCarbTraveler (not Internet Marketing), so you can easily apply this yourself to ANY niche and ANY business model.

I'll do that on Monday though, because like I said: right now the sales are STILL coming in! :) And since Monique is the expert at all this, I asked her to join me live on Monday when I share my results with you, so she can chime in with ideas & angles - and we can BOTH learn from my testing.

Date: Monday, September 25
Time: Noon Eastern, 9am Pacific

I'll send you the link & instructions for joining in...

I cannot wait to share the details of my test with you, and even more exciting: the results!!

In the meantime, check out the video & discussion here, and let me know any thoughts or questions that come up. :)

Lynn Terry

p.s. Monique is doing an advanced training called Live Authority that starts next week (in 8 days). It's a LIVE workshop, and you'll definitely want to get in on it while she's teaching it live - instead of later.

Plan to join Monique and I live on Monday at Noon Eastern for a candid discussion about my tests so far, and my RESULT$. At the very least, even if you THINK you're not interested in livestreaming (I wasn't!), you'll want to tune in and discover some "secrets" about using this tool... even if you don't want to "go live" as in "face on camera" - because there ARE other options, and you'll learn more about that too. :)