Watch the Replay: Niche Case Study (Fast Traffic & Sales)

Published: Wed, 09/27/17

Did you miss my LIVE case study on Monday, or want to watch it again? It's now online, and you can watch it for free! ;-)

Watch the "Facebook Live" Case Study: See How You Can Boost Niche Traffic & Sales – Super Fast!

I've been looking into the stats on live video or "live streaming" on a variety of platforms including Facebook Live, Instagram Live Video and YouTube Live.

The stats alone are a HUGE draw as it's obvious that people LOVE (and are drawn to) live video content, and that it's definitely persuasive.

But is it profitable?!

That's what I set out to test, and I'm ready to share my (exciting!) results with you.

Just click the image or link above to watch it. :)


Facebook makes an aggressive push to get users to watch, share & engage with Facebook Live videos.

What does this mean for YOU?

It means that Facebook does the marketing FOR you when you "go live" on their platform. They'll notify all of your followers, whether that's your friends or your Facebook Page Fans or members of your Facebook Group.

Facebook prioritizes video in the news feed.

Unlike other content types you publish on Facebook which may be seeing less reach, and require ad dollars to get more views and interaction, Facebook promotes your live video content aggressively (for free!) - and users respond VERY enthusiastically.

The Proof Is In The Profit

Not only is this the fastest, easiest way to reach and engage the most people at once (thank you, Facebook!)... it also drives conversions WAY up.

The additional exposure alone will help you reach more people interested in your products or services, but the "live" component increases conversion rates dramatically.

People are getting a "personal interaction" experience which evokes trust, and they are also able to get their questions answered on the spot - which helps them make a quick decision.

This is great for selling your products or services, or even making affiliate sales, but it's also a GREAT way to drive traffic to your site or blog and to your landing pages - making it an easy way to do list building as well.

The great news?

Conversions continue, at that higher rate, long after the "live video" is no longer... live! The recorded Facebook Live videos stay on your page or in your group like any other update, and still have a strong interactive feel to them - even as recordings.

In my own tests, I'm finding a HUGE increase in engagement with Facebook Live while I'm live, but I'm also getting "interactive engagement" lasting for days after it ends.

People continue to interact with the recorded video like they do with the live video.

That's due to the way it's presented to them, with comments and discussion unfolding as the video plays - as if it's still live.


Why NOW is the time to "Go Live"

With Facebook continuing to give video top priority, they are rolling out brand new features like Facebook Watch and Facebook Show Pages to get even more people engaged (and hooked!) on Facebook videos - and to give creators and publishers even more opportunities for MASS exposure to their HUGE audience.

Check out this "Facebook Watch" screenshot for example, and notice how Facebook integrates a Like button for her Facebook Page and also for her Facebook Group:

Imagine how that could boost YOUR page and/or group!


^ Those are two words that should EXCITE you! Especially when you consider the huge audience, and the potential to tap into that audience for free - and easily.

Do you have to produce a fancy cooking show?

Not at all. I've seen some great "shows" in "watch" that are simply Q&A sessions.

That's something anyone can do, in any niche!

Simple > Advanced > Smart: Mastering Facebook Live

My initial (simple!) tests with Facebook Live, and also with Instagram Live Video have truly blown me away. The explosion in reach and engagement alone is worth every second I spend on video, but the conversion rates top ANY other social marketing I've ever done!

I've learned some VERY cool things, like how to give people a clickable link on Instagram when you "go live" for example. And how to get people to ask YOU for a link to buy / sign up / learn more!

If you're already using Instagram, that "clickable link" bit should definitely pique your interest!

I have never seen a better way to engage people, pique interest, and drive traffic & conversions. Not in more than 20 years online... And if you're watching the trends, you already KNOW this is only going to get hotter from this point forward.

NOW is the time to get in on this hot trend, and set up a system to make the absolute most of it. Early adopters will always see the best results.

Monique Johnson has been entrenched in this space for the last couple of years, and she has mastered the features and options that take live streaming to the next level. Like how to use it for massive list building, how to automate communications so you can easily deliver links & content 24/7, and so much more.

Plus more WAY cool stuff, features & strategies... that I don't even know, lol.

When I watched her presentation at a recent conference in Atlanta I was totally FLOORED by the possibilities & potential! Not to mention the way she has things set up that save TONS of time, and automate things I'm doing manually at the moment - which is a bit of a time suck. No, it's a BIG time suck lol.

That's why I want to learn everything she knows...

And lucky for us, she has agreed to teach it ALL!

She was actually put on the spot at the conference because her presentation about the current stats & potential with live streaming captivated everyone in the room. I wish you could have seen this information for yourself. You would understand why I jumped straight in with both feet to start testing it for myself.

Her workshop starts Monday October 2nd. Enrollment ends Sunday October 1st so you'll want to register now to make sure you don't miss out on the opportunity to take this workshop LIVE, because this is your one and only opportunity to learn from her... with her, live and on the spot, right there with you...

I cannot wait to attend her workshop and MASTER the marketing strategies that truly LEVERAGE the power of live streaming!

You might be thinking this will only work for you if you have an audience on Facebook or Instagram already - or anywhere. Maybe you're Facebook Page is "dead" or you aren't getting ANY real traction on your social media channels.

I tested that too.

Live streaming is the fastest easiest way to get new social channels HOPPING, or to revive dead or neglected Facebook Pages - which I proved in my Case Study video above on one of my own neglected Pages.

If you're ready to see FAST results, boost your engagement and exposure, get tons more traffic and make A LOT more sales online... you should join us for this workshop.

I'm enrolled already.

I jumped on that opportunity!

You should sign up before enrollment closes this weekend...

Let's do this together!

Thoughts/Questions? I would love to hear if this EXCITES you, or scares you (it did me, lol), or WHY it piques your interest. And if you're already live streaming, what kind of results are YOU seeing?

Join us for the discussion here:

"Facebook Live" Case Study: See How You Can Boost Niche Traffic & Sales – Super Fast!


That ^ is where you can watch the replay of the case study I did live on Monday too. ;-) Enjoy!!


Lynn Terry

p.s. Monique Johnson's advanced training called Live Authority starts next week (in 4 days).

It's a LIVE workshop, and you'll definitely want to get in on it while she's teaching it live - instead of later. You can click the image below to learn more about it:


Get the Step-by-Step Blueprint for Using Facebook Live to Build Credibility, Grow Your Business - and Consistently Make Sales!