Live Authority starts Monday - What You Should Know...

Published: Sat, 09/30/17

I want to help you make a decision about the direction of your business from this point forward, and whether Live Authority is right for you - or not.

If you've been following along, you've already seen my results just testing Facebook Live and Instagram Live in a few fun tests, such as:


  • I've already been asked to do a 20 minute segment on a local TV morning show.
  • I sold almost $5,000 in product and made more than $1,000 in fast affiliate commissions
  • I'm cutting a $10,000 deal with a sponsor.
  • I'm increasing my advertising rates dramatically. And I'm not talking about just doubling or tripling my rates, but rather: adding zeroes. ;-)

... and all of that was just in the first 10 days, with NO real strategy in place!

Only a few smart people will SEE this timing & opportunity for what it is, and jump on it. ;-)

Here's a quick video I shot from Chattanooga yesterday on WHY you should leverage this hot trend:

As proof of my point in the video above, check out these results...

What you see below is a screenshot of my Facebook Insights on my niche Facebook Page. One update is a static image of my dinner. The other update is a Facebook Live video about my dinner:


That screenshot was taken last night. A little over 12 hours later, here's an updated view:

See the difference in both reach & engagement?

Point made...

Like I said in the video above, you need to be leveraging this hot trend NOW and using it to build your email list and make sales... while you can, while it's SO EASY and totally free.

Why would you NOT leverage this trend?!

In my last blog post I gave you a list of easy livestreaming ideas, including some that don't even include putting your face on camera.

If you saw my Facebook Live Case Study then you already know just how profitable my first few test runs were. And since then? I've been asked to do a 20 minute TV segment on a local morning show, and I'm inking high dollar deals left and right.

Opportunities are coming in FAST!:)

For me, this is less about the actual live streaming... and more about building my business and beefing up my assets.

Anytime there's a hot trend like this, you're smart to jump on it... and use it to beef up your email list, boost your traffic, make connections & cut deals, make all the sales you can and pad your bank account, increase your membership numbers - and basically give yourself a big fat business boost that will increase your profit potential... long after this trend dies out.

Unless you have a "fear of success" in which case I recommend you skip this hot trend and just ignore it altogether. ;)

Registration for the "Live Authority" Workshop ENDS on Monday

The workshop I'm signed up for myself is called Live Authority and it kicks off on Monday, so now is the time to make a decision on whether you want to take advantage of this HOT trend, and all the free traffic & exposure.

I've mentioned it to you in another email already, but there are some important points you probably missed - which was my fault. So I want to fill you in on those to help you make a decision...

The reason those points made NO difference to me, and why I enrolled the minute Live Authority opened this past week, is because I saw Monique Johnson give her presentation on "Leveraging Facebook Live To Launch & Sell Products" in Atlanta a few weeks ago.

I was sold THEN, and anxious to sign up on the spot!

Here's a photo I took from the back of the room:


What To Expect from the Live Authority Workshop

Note: all you need is your smartphone, laptop/desktop, web browser or a tablet!

  • Learn a full live streaming system that drives sales
  • She'll show you exactly what you need to do, and how to set it all up so it works on autopilot!
  • The system you'll set up during this workshop finds new audience viewers and customers FOR you
  • How to set up an automated "messenger marketing campaign" (THIS got me excited!!)
  • 3-step system for converting live viewers into fully signed up subscribers to your email list AND messenger list
  • The exact AUTOMATED messages she sends out to viewers to collect immediate data from them and get them to buy.
  • Monique's "LIVE Masterclass Signature Method" for easy customer acquisition
  • A "one & done" system that works on autopilot
  • How to integrate Facebook Messenger Marketing with the rest of your marketing strategy
  • How to tag and segment your live viewers as prospects based on their behavior to learn more about your prospects, what their challenges are, and what they want to buy next...

Those are just a few of the points I plucked from her Live Authority Page so you could have a quick outline of what to expect, since I had the advantage of hearing her talk about all of these things live at the conference in Atlanta. ;-)

The live training begins on Monday...

Monique has spent the past 2 1/2 years perfecting systems and strategies to leverage this technology to the max. Not only has she used it to get her own business off the ground (quite impressively, I might add!) but she has VERY happy clients that are blown away by how WELL her system works to "engage & convert" - seamlessly, behind the scenes.

THAT is the part I'm anxious to learn and set up myself!

So far I've just been winging it and testing it (both Facebook Live and Instagram Live) with GREAT results. What I don't have in place is a solid strategy or a good backend or follow-up plan set up.

That's why I signed up for the Facebook Live Authority Workshop that starts on Monday. It's $497 and I paid full price for it myself, without a single hesitation. Why? Because of the money I've already made "winging it" - it's a PROVEN way to EASILY make sales, and I want to learn how to MASTER it for even better results!

In addition to the sales I'm making, the opportunities for press coverage and brand sponsorships and advertising deals that are flying my way are overwhelmingly exciting. There is SERIOUS money out there for the taking, for those that put themselves in the right position with this trend-on-the-rise.

Monique has a "signature method for easy customer acquisition" and a "set it up once" system that works for you on auto-pilot to turn your live streaming into a business building machine.

I would have easily paid $500 just to be on the tv morning show. :p So investing $497 into this detailed workshop is a total no-brainer. I'm anxious to learn the insider strategies, and how to set up a system for best leveraging live streaming technology - while it's so hot.

What excites me MOST is
the profit I've seen already, just testing it out with NO system or strategy set up - and no follow up system in place. After seeing Monique's talk on HER setup... I know this is JUST the tip of the iceberg. And THAT excites me!

This is proving to be the fastest easiest way to get exposure and make sales online - hands down. I was totally floored by my own results, which I shared with you in my case study in the last post. Not only in my own niche where I have an established audience, but on a DEAD/NEGLECTED Facebook Page - and how easy it was to bring it back to life, and fast!

The Live Authority masterclass will only be taught LIVE once, so by joining in now you have the opportunity to work with Monique directly during this live training.

This is an opportunity you really don't want to miss out on.

If the price is holding you back, because I can see how $497 might SEEM like a steep investment, two things: First, she has a payment plan. And second: This is the kind of thing you can make your money back on SO fast... that I made more than double the cost of entry, just testing it out for myself after seeing her BRIEF presentation in Atlanta recently.

So yes - it's a GREAT investment with HUGE potential long-term return for your business. Because the opportunities are super hot right NOW, and you'll get hands-on training for doing it right, this is exactly the kind of thing you want to jump on board with.

The opportunity for Live and Watch won't always be as RIPE as they are right now.

Getting in early, and using this opportunity to leverage those platforms NOW is a smart investment into growing your business HUGE - including growing your reach, influence, email list, connections, customer base, etc (way outside of Facebook!).

Like I said, a few quick tests using what I learned in a single hour with Monique have already resulted in: a local tv show spot, over $1,000 in pure profit directly from my livestream, a $10k pitch in the works - and that is just the beginning.

Monique has extended Live Authority registration until Monday at Noon Eastern, but after that you won't be able to get live access to her training anymore.

She said this is the first and only time she is going to teach it LIVE and hands-on. I don't blame her. She's like me: she makes more money DOING what she's teaching than she does teaching it.

And on that note, I'm off to do a Facebook Live and Instagram Live in my own niche - because it's just TOO profitable NOT to go do it!

Lynn Terry

You can read my thoughts on the Live Authority workshop here and of course feel free to hit reply & ask me any questions you have about it - or if it's right for you, your business, or where you are on things right now.

I'm happy to give you my unbiased opinion, or toss around a few ideas with you if you need some creative direction with it...