Up for a FUN content marketing challenge? Join us!

Published: Fri, 01/19/18

It starts in a few days! If you're struggling to stay consistent with content creation, or REALLY want to see better results from your content marketing efforts... join us at: 

2018 Content Marketing Challenge

This is a unique chance to work with Alice Seba personally and directly - which I can't say I've EVER seen her do before. She said, "they'll be working directly with me the whole time...it's a highly personalize opportunity to develop great new habits and stay accountable to success."

It starts with an intensive 3-day training program with Alice that will take you through creating a Content Creation & Marketing Plan (that gets RESULTS!), followed by a 30-day interactive challenge that will hold you accountable to that plan - with personal help.

I love watching Alice work. We've traveled & roomed together several times, and she was just here at my house last month for a weekend visit. I can tell you firsthand: She's a MACHINE at it, and she does everything the EASY way! 

This is a great opportunity to watch over her shoulder and learn her strategies firsthand in a private and highly personalized/interactive group. 

The structure & accountability factors alone could be just what you need...

I hope you'll join us in Alice's Intensive Content Marketing Results Training and Challenge. It's kicking off in just a few days, and there is a limit to the size of the group. If you're hesitating to join in or not sure if it's right for you - ask yourself WHY (or why not).

You've probably seen Alice and I both build our successful businesses on great content over the years, along with plenty of other people who are doing GREAT online. What's stopping you from doing the same for yourself? ;-)

Take one more look and decide for yourself...

* she just dropped the price by $100 too, so if you looked at it before - you should check it out again. ;-)

Lynn Terry

p.s. Here are the Four Freebies I sent you the other day, in case you missed those:

6 Free Graphics & Templates Downloads

38 Easy Free Lead Magnet Ideas To Grow Your List

FREE PLR: 41 Social Media Tips + Graphics

51 Ways To Get More Website Traffic (+Free PLR)