Map our your Money-Makers for 2018 - Smart, Simple Idea!

Published: Fri, 12/29/17

I've been watching all the creative ways people have shared this week for using the "2018 Marketing In A Box" package that only comes around once a year

... but I haven't seen anyone mention the two BEST ideas yet.

The more I think about it, these two ideas work even better when you combine them into one or use them together.

Creative way to use PLR Content or your own archived content (blog posts & products) that are just sitting around collecting dust.

This idea came to me today while I was looking over the 2018 Marketing In A Box Package, but it will work with ANY content in ANY niche - so I hope you take this idea and run with it! ;-)

Here you go...

The 2 types of content that raise the MOST interest, and set you up to get the most out of it are: case studies and challenges.

Case Studies pique interest because people love to see RESULTS. When you PROVE your system or product or strategy works (even if it's lipstick, seriously) - people will sit up and pay attention. Case Studies WORK because people love to see products in action, they love to see results unfold.

Challenges are popular too, and they can be VERY fun & engaging. They simply need structure, content and a purpose. They are a GREAT way to build a highly targeted list, and an ideal way to create a highly responsive (very targeted) audience.

Challenges are an easy way to kickstart some profitable activity in your business! ;-)

All the other ideas for this package, or any PLR content you own are great too:

* use them as lead magnets & list builders
* turn them into paid products
* use them as membership site content
* publish them as blog posts

... etc. Basically you can rebrand, edit & use the content any way you please!

But I'm thinking these 12 done-for-you products are IDEAL for working through publicly as a case study or as a challenge, or better yet: both!

Here's the idea:

You could devote each month to one of the 12 topics and do a live case study.

Simply publish blog posts, case study updates, tips & ideas, resources related to the topic ($ with your affiliate links of course! $), etc - and then invite/challenge people to join you.

(All you have to do is work through the report yourself and blog about your experience & results.)

They'll opt-in (subscribe) on the landing page you get as part of the package, and get the guide (also created for you already) AND access to your challenge group.

Then they're on your list and in your group, and getting all of your updates & resources by email as you go.


I'm guessing you've already seen this awesome year-end offer, and maybe you grabbed it but don't know what to do with it exactly - so there's a simple idea for you!

If you haven't checked it out yet, my link is: - and it's still available, but only until tomorrow.

Like I said, you could easily map out your content & money-makers for the year using PLR Content you already have on your hard drive, or by repurposing your own content in new ways - such as groups of blog posts on the same topic from your archives.

I was just thinking it was an ideal way to use THIS package when I was looking at it this morning, and wanted to pass that along for you to brainstorm on a bit yourself. :) *cheers*

Lynn Terry

p.s. This done-for-you content & product package is pretty much the deal of the year for only $27. It only comes around once a year, and it's different every year - then it's gone for good.

This package will be archived tomorrow night (Sat, Dec 30th) so grab it while you can if you think this is something you can use.

For less than thirty dollars you could literally outline your whole content & marketing strategy for the entire 2018 year. ;)