Sign up & Join us Today (only!) IF one of these 6 points apply to YOU...

Published: Sun, 01/28/18

First: Never buy anything again. You should only ever invest, because an investment expects a return. And if you're smart you'll plan to get that ROI in a very specific (set) amount of time.

With that said, in my note yesterday I told you I would work up a list of what to expect from Alice Seba's "ICMR" Intensive Content Marketing Results Workshop - because so many people were confused and unsure about it, including ME.

Here's my note if you missed it, and we're discussing that note in my private group here too.

You have to decide TODAY because it's time sensitive, so I'm going to help you with some pros/cons and points to consider in "quicklist style" below - based on my own experience with it so far.

We'll start with this...

You should sign up & join us if any of these apply to YOU:

- You need to save more time and make more money - NOW.
- Because you're not sure what to publish where, when or how (and it makes your head spin).
- You NEED a strategic marketing strategy (that works!). This is a solid plan you can USE.
- Because you're spinning your wheels or "winging it" - and not seeing the best results.
- For the Accountability to finally get your plans off the ground and make things happen!
- Because you CRAVE structure in a chaotic, overwhelming online wold that stresses you out.

Of course there's the obvious 7th point: If you want to increase your traffic, get more email subscribers & make more sales online. ;-)

Alice has a smart approach to content creation & marketing, and a brilliant angle for product marketing - based on her YEARS of consistently selling products online.

While she sells digital products and does a lot in the PLR space, it applies VERY well to any business - even affiliate marketing or working with brands & advertisers (which I do a lot in my niche).

Her own content is ALL revenue-driven, specifically for list-building & sales, so I knew I'd easily get a great return following her lead!

Look over the bullet points for each of the 3 Training Sessions here. They all come with the video, full session notes and the chat log - and a place to discuss the training or ask questions.

Below I'll share what she does NOT tell you on the sales page..

Here are MY favorite points (just a few!) from the three training sessions, btw:

- Why planning works and why winging it is probably costing you money
- The #1 secret to getting results from your content that most people get backwards
- How to use Alice's own Strategic Content Marketing Plan Workbook in YOUR business…(this is going to change everything.)
- How to get an entire month's worth of content planned to grow your business. It's easier than you think!
- How to effectively create your own AWESOME content quickly. There will be NO slaving at the keyboard all day long.
- Smart ways to build a content marketing team…including methods that require little to no out-of-pocket expenses
- Where to publish your content and how to maximize each piece you put out there, for great results!

What to expect IF you sign up for the "ICMR" Intensive Content Marketing Results Workshop today:

A LOT of us were confused about what to expect (based on the sales copy).

So those of us IN the group are all feeling "wow'd" because she's definitely over-delivering, especially based on our expectations - due to the sales page.

To take all the guesswork and uncertainty out of it for YOU, so you don't have to just "take the leap" like we did, here are all the points to help you make your decision about joining us:

* The methods & strategies are ideal for any business model and any niche.

I'm using it to increase affiliate sales on a food blog for example. There are service providers, product creators, etc - a huge variety of business owners in the group already and loving how this training applies to them!

* It has nothing to do with PLR content, although you can use your PLR content for your promotion calendar, and you can also get PLR (private label rights) to this training itself. But the actual training is not for/about using PLR content.

* While you should join today so you don't miss out on the live challenge event, you'll have unlimited access to the training & downloads (so you don't have to rush through it or anything).

* You don not *have* to actively participate in the challenge if you don't want to - and prefer to work on your own.

* There is not a guarantee or refund policy because it's live & interactive (and you get everything upfront! including her own personal spreadsheets), so read through this list and also her page here to make a decision you'll feel GREAT about!

There is A LOT MORE than you see on the sales page, such as:

* Alice's "The Magic 1000 Number" Strategy

* Pretty Converting Content (Download), a GREAT tutorial for creating well-formatted content that converts!

* Service Providers in the group - if you are one, a great place to promote your services to people that need them! If you are looking for one, it's a great list if you need help with something or want to try your hand at outsourcing a few things.

* 4 full pages of GREAT content ideas & angles (and someone in the group took the time to take them from the spreadsheet and turn it into a printable PDF!!)

* Copywriting & Persuasive Content guides

* Press Release Templates

* PDF: Hiring A Social Media Manager (live example)

* Branding Your Content (& Yourself!) Worksheet - GREAT for drilling down your angles & objectives!

* Hiring A Writer Checklist & Writing Assignment Template you can use if you want to outsource content creation

This is NOT a complete list of what you get - just what I don't think I saw or realized I was getting when I signed up. Meaning: what was NOT on the sales page. ;)

There's a single page with EVERY link, download, resource (and extra stuff!) right on it that's very streamlined for easy (unlimited) access to everything included in this training & challenge event.

It makes it SO easy to grab exactly what you need WHEN you need it. I love that. :)

I made this visual for you, from what I have downloaded and am reading/using this weekend myself:

Click Here for Instant Access & Join Us!

Ever bought a product based on awesome sales copy, only to discover the product sucks? Or just doesn't meet your expectations? Yeah, we all have!

This is one of those cases of the complete opposite (in my opinion): where the sales copy doesn't even begin to describe what to expect, and you realize you got a STEAL and a LOT more bang for your buck!

The training sessions are GREAT. It's like "buying Alice Seba's brain" - then getting her personal help implementing it in YOUR business. :)

You still have time to sign up, access the training and the notes and catch up, and join in on the challenge that starts this week.

The discounted price is still available here... but only until the end of the day.

As a nice bonus, the group of people you'll be working with and alongside, and the brainstorming & ideas that are flying in that group, are priceless.

It's great for accountability, connections, ideas, and best of all: finally getting organized and having a solid plan of action!

I'm an affiliate, so I don't want to "twist your arm". It's REALLY GOOD. I honestly just signed up because I wanted Alice's spreadsheet and checklists to use on my own - but there's a lot more that I'm finding applies to me and can really help me move forward faster - so I'm super happy with the investment!

If you're worried you'll be overwhelmed - you won't be. :) This training and Alice's spreadsheet is all about SAVING you time, saving you money, and helping you get better results & more sales in LESS time.

It took me FOREVER to compile these lists and compose this email to you... but I hope it proves helpful, and saves you TONS of time making a decision on joining in while this is happening LIVE. ;) *cheers*

Lynn Terry

p.s. The "Magic 1000 Number" technique she teaches alone is worth the price of entry because it's SO simple -and a means of making your money back before the challenge even ends if you're smart!

If you're not interested in joining the training & challenge we're all doing, I hope the points I shared with you prove good brainstorming fodder for your own sales copy & sales pages - because the points were based on things I did not "get" myself before buying, and the points people asked me about that were holding THEM back from joining in.

If you do want to join in, do it today! A lot of us are catching up together this weekend, so you can dive right in with us. :)

Click here to join us today!