Camera Shy? Free Video Training & Help - Starts Today!

Published: Mon, 03/19/18

This free video training event starts today, and it might be right up your alley.

Not only will it help you get more comfortable making videos, or being ON video, but she shares A LOT of tips & tricks to help you get over the technical hurdles and learn how to use all the cool features. ;-)

Since I haven't participated in it before myself, I asked Jen to share HER experience - because I've seen her REALLY take off with video in her own niche!

She shared her insights here:

Free 30 Day Video Training & Challenge Starts Today

Jen targets working women that homeschool (homeschooling moms) so it's been FUN to watch how she started using video to really connect with (and grow) her audience ... and also increase her sales.

I get to see Jen's behind-the-scenes details & results because she's a member of my Private Brainstorming Group. Given her experience and results with video since she got started with it, I wanted to let HER tell you about this free event that starts today:

Jen shares her thoughts & personal experience with this training

It's been awhile since I've reached out & sent you a note or new resources. My apologies! Things have been moving super fast in my own online business and keeping me really busy lately. ;-) I have some COOL things to share with you about what I've been working on though, so stay tuned for that. I can't wait to share some fresh NEW ideas & examples with you!

In the meantime, I hope you ENJOY this free training and help with video - because video has definitely played a part in my own business growth over the last few months.

Lynn Terry
