What are you going to sell online this year? Check this list...

Published: Fri, 01/26/18

Happy Friday, and thank you for all the great feedback after my last note! I really appreciate the candid responses & the great discussion. It was quite enlightening. :)

If you emailed me instead, I'll get back to you there. It's been a BUSY (fun/productive/profitable!) week so I'm still catching up...

First though, I wanted to sit down and write to you and share some actionable tips you can use. We've had some great discussions in Brainstorming Hour this week, which is a training and Q&A session I host twice a week with members of my Private Brainstorming Group.

If you're a member you can watch the replays for Monday and Thursday in the private forum. If you're not, here are just some of the tips & topics we discussed this week... so take them and run with them! ;-)

Know WHAT you're going to sell, and WHEN you're going to sell it.

Task: Create a detailed "Money Maker List" by listing out all of your own products & services or product ideas, as well as affiliate programs or products you can recommend/promote as an affiliate.

Tip: ASK for what you want. Don't be afraid to negotiate, pitch ideas, send counter offers - or just reach out in the first place.

Get in a STRONG business mindset. What do you have to offer? How does it benefit the person you want to pitch, partner, negotiate or work with? (Always pitch/offer with their needs in mind!)

Note: Everything is negotiable! ;)

Product Discussions are KEY to building a buying audience, and serving that audience. Here's a live example from my own niche you can examine.

Make your business fun! Set milestones, gamify your business, participate in leaderboards and collaborations. Ask yourself: What motivates me? Is it money, feedback, results - brainstorm ways to have FUN with it!

(We also discussed dealing with discouragement, and how your initial response is always an emotional response. That's okay, just figure out what to DO next. The key is to take positive action, even on what seems like a negative.)

Create a Promotion Calendar or Timeline based on your Money Maker List (#1 and #2 above). Then create a strategic content marketing strategy around that timeline.

We also discussed how often you should schedule promotions, and how to prioritize the "money makers" for your online business.

A lot of this came out of our take-aways from Alice Seba's training this week leading up to her Content Marketing Challenge that starts on Monday.

She had 3 detailed live training sessions this week, and she totally blew me away in the first one - which I got to attend live.

The other two I had to miss because I had other things scheduled those days, so I'm watching the replays this weekend to catch up.

It turns out you can still join in and do the same! So if you missed out on the live training this week, just catch up with me this weekend. :)

The discounted price is still available here...

Lynn Terry

p.s. At the very least, I hope the list above sparks some creative ideas you can USE - and that you have fun with it! :)

If you need some "idea starters" see these 5 worksheets I use with my consulting clients. #4 is the Revenue Brainstorming Exercise, but I recommend you do 3 of the 5 worksheets in this order: #5 first, then #1 and then #4

I was torn about signing up for the 2018 Content Marketing Challenge
as I mentioned in my last note, but I am REALLY glad I did. I don't think the sales copy was very clear about what to expect, and then... Alice ended up providing WAY more than she originally offered on that page too. ;)

The good news is... you can still sign up. The challenge starts on Monday, so you have plenty of time to catch up on the three training sessions and join in!

Just click here & get signed up real quick

You'll be in good company. I'm catching up on them this weekend myself. :) But I am LOVING how she has me planning out a PROFITABLE year, that flows much more smoothly with a lot more income potential. :)

p.p.s. These tips & ideas, and even Alice's challenge, are going to work best for you IF you already know your niche and have an online business set up. If you do not, definitely start with the #5 and #1 worksheets here instead. Those brainstorming worksheets should give you a good starting point! *cheers*

Have Questions? Hit Reply! I'll be around most of the weekend, and I'm happy to help any way I can...