Frustrated With (Lack of!) Results Online? More Time & Money Won't Help...

Published: Sat, 01/27/18

What do you feel you need MOST to really "make it" online?

I've asked this question a lot and the answers tend to vary depending on the person, their business model, and where they are on the spectrum from idea-to-success.

The easiest answers are Time & Money, but the truth is: neither of those are much help if you don't have a strategic plan in place. ;-)

I don't care how much time and money you throw into the wind (or at an idea), you're not going to see a return without a specific goal and an action plan.

You're probably well aware of that through your own personal experience by now though, right?

When I signed up for Alice Seba's "Intensive Content Marketing Training & Challenge" I did that with a very specific objective: to get more organized with my content strategy and promotion calendar so I could map things out in advance and stop "flying by the seat of my burning pants." (lol)

I was NOT planning to sign up, as I mentioned here, but then I realized I really NEEDED more structure and organization - because I have hit my LIMIT on what I'm able to accomplish (ie: get done, and done right).

And honestly: because I have not been able to achieve "structure & organization" on my own in over 20 years in business. :P

I mentioned before that I've watched Alice work, on our travels together and even right here at my dining room table, and it always inspires me how easily she manages her online business.

Hmm, I could say: it intrigues me, makes me envy the way her brain works (!), motivates me to get my sh*t together (lol). Seriously, she breezes through her tasks like it's nothing - while I'm running circles around myself! :-9

Truth: there's more to a successful online business than freedom & flexibility and the six-figure income.

Those things are great mind you, but not at the expense of your health and sanity - or your happiness, or even just your stress level. Or how about: the number of hours you're working!

I used to have all that mastered, even without much structure or being an "organized person." I've had a successful business for two full decades, and for a long time I had tons of free time and traveled around the world enjoying people and places and new experiences and such.

But things have changed online, and some things in MY business have changed over the last few years, and I find myself "back in the hustle" again. A hustle that has turned into a non-stop hamster wheel for me, that I desperately want to get OFF of.


I'm rambling, and talking entirely too much about myself and my own experience (and current frustrations). Hopefully some of my candid thoughts here prove helpful to you though, or at least have you THINKING.

But I do realize we're all at a different place with things, so let's go back to the point...

What do you feel you need MOST to really "make it" online?

Maybe your initial response to that question has started to change a bit at this point?

Maybe you're thinking a little more deeply about the answer now?

Maybe you don't care if you ever have a successful business you can run from anywhere that gives you the time and financial freedom to live your life the way YOU want to live it. In which case I'm not really sure why you're reading this in the first place. :)

Here's the answer you should be considering:

You need an action plan - a very specific goal, and a strategic action plan to make it happen.

Can you "wing it" with a basic direction & goal and a lot of good intentions, figuring it out as you go? Sure! I have, and still do mostly. :)

But you're ALWAYS going to be in hustle mode if you keep doing that...

As a side note, yes - the hustle can be fun. But it also causes a lot of undue stress & frustration, and you're always going to look up with envy at others that are breezing through what you're working SO hard on or spending so much TIME on. #truth

So you need an action plan, you need structure, and you need to get organized.

If you're a creative type, that thought totally takes the wind out of your sails. :P

Being a creative type myself and enjoying "the hustle" I realize the need to keep things FUN and simple & easy - and enjoyable. I mentioned that in my last note, how I like to "gamify my business" and use milestones & competitions to create motivation & enthusiasm (ie: FUN!).


I found the perfect solution to striking that balance between my NEED to have creative flexibility, and my NEED to have more structure and get organized - so that I can see better results ($!$) from everything my "creative side" thinks up or puts in motion.

Confession: It kinda sucks to desperately wish you were one of those super organized people, and to try every "system" or planner or what have you under the sun, only to throw your hands in the air and just accept that you obviously do NOT have the organization gene. :-9

The solution I found this week was in Alice Seba's brain. I could just never figure out a way to tap into her brain before! Not in the 14+ we've known each other (in person)...

She puts out a lot of training, step by step tutorials and solutions - and she has been for years. But it wasn't until she started her Intensive Content Results Training & Challenge this week that she actually shared her THINKING - and *exactly how she plans, prepares and executes everything.

Exactly meaning: down to the detail, with live examples (made dead simple!).

I can't even count how many lightbulbs have gone off for me this week. From her brilliant method for figuring out what content you should create and where & when you should post it - and why... to her "Magic 1000 Number" method of making money come in faster. That one is SO simple but SO smart!!

Even being in business online as long as I have, and having a HUGE buying audience and a responsive email list - and all the things most people WISH they had (because I've done the work to put it all into place) - I'm getting so much out of Alice's methods & mindset to use in my own business.

The goal: to make MORE money and save A LOT more time.

Alice actually said that in her first training session. She said: this is not about giving you more work, it's about saving you time & money - so you can get more done, more easily, in less time.

I see that very clearly now. ;-)

She gave us spreadsheets, checklists, live examples, daily and monthly planners, additional training, etc... (definitely more than she originally offered).

And the great thing (for me) is that you can EASILY adjust it all to your niche and your style.

I don't mind to admit that I admire the way Alice runs her business, and even that I want to be more like Alice - without giving up all the things I love about myself and my creative ways, of course. :)

What I love most about her tools (spreadsheets, worksheets, checklists) is that they fit perfectly into my NEED to have creative freedom - but also to "gamify my business" with fun milestones - and of course my need to have a more organized plan & strategy in place to execute creative ideas!

I wish there was some way I could show you, or share with you the depth of what she's offering in her Content Marketing Training & Challenge because truth: the sales copy doesn't do a great job of that at all. Or it didn't for me.

Several other people agreed in our discussion about it in my WMC group.

I'll make you a list of highlights from MY experience and perspective, but I have to rush that a bit because the challenge part of her event starts Monday and I'm working on it myself this weekend.

She has all of the training, the notes, the handouts and printables etc organized on one page for easy access, which makes catching up on any of the training sessions super easy - which I LOVE. :)

The "Magic 1000 Number" technique alone is worth the price of entry because that is a means of making your money back before the challenge even ends if you're smart!

I don't want to twist your arm, I just really hate for you to miss out on this - because it has turned out to be WAY better than I expected. I honestly just wanted her spreadsheets & checklists if you want to know the truth.

The training is GREAT though. It's like "buying Alice Seba's brain" - and then getting her personal help making it work in YOUR business. :)

You still have time to sign up, access the training and the notes this weekend and catch up, and join in on the challenge that starts Monday.

The discounted price is still available here...

As a nice bonus, the group of people you'll be working with and alongside, and the brainstorming & ideas that are flying in that group, are priceless. It's great for accountability, connections, ideas, and best of all: finally getting organized and having a solid plan of action!

Lynn Terry

p.s. I realize this was a long note. I wish we could have had this conversation over coffee or something instead. :)

If you're not interested in joining the training & challenge we're all doing, I hope you at least got some take-aways from this note. Or that it made you THINK about your current situation and inspired you to do some brainstorming - based on where YOU are with your goals.

If you do want to join in, do it today! A lot of us are catching up together this weekend, so you can dive right in with us. :)

Just click here to get started: