Use this! 6-Point Email Follow-Up System

Published: Tue, 05/01/18

This 6-point system is brilliant and something you can use for ANY content series: videos, email, blog posts, a pre-launch, Facebook Live, your autoresponder series, etc.

When we were discussing this in my Brainstorming Hour Session last night, so many great ideas & possible uses came up! Here it is...

6 Point Email Follow-Up System

1- Awareness
2- Authority
3- Anticipation
4- Assurance
5- Alert
6- Action

This is from the Product Creation Checklist (page 83) that I mentioned here. The actual checklist goes into great detail with idea prompts and examples, but I don't want to do a copyright violation. ;)

That said, the 6 point system outlined above should prove thought provoking as you create (or analyze & edit) your own email follow-ups, or any content series you're creating.

Just to give you a bit more to work with, in Point #1... it's about making your audience aware of the problem, NOT the product - which is one of the most common mistakes we ALL make. ;-)


At the very least, consider these six "words" in everything you do online...

From your social media updates, email subject lines, blog post topics & titles to your lead magnets and followups - you name it - these six words can serve you well as you consider ways to attract, connect with and convert your target market!

There are 3 full sets of checklists in the package I downloaded. That list is just one of 60, and it's the "abbreviated version." They all three include step-by-step action lists, strategy, idea prompts, EXAMPLES, training guides & brilliant ideas...

All in small actionable bites, making them EASY to implement.

Download the Checklists | or Read What I Said Here First...

Have a great day! *cheers*


p.s. I passed on the OTO or the one-time offer (a brainbooster system), and I kinda regret that in hindsight. I'm guessing that would have been $29 well spent! But you'll probably want to skip all the special offers and just download these checklists/guides and dig right in. That's my advice. ;-)

Internet Marketing Checklists

Avoid the most common mistakes, take all the shortcuts and grow your business FASTER by following these step-by-step checklists:

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