Newz! :) Free Download, Affiliate Program, LIVE today, and...

Published: Thu, 04/26/18

After what seemed like a LONG spell of feeling "stuck" where it felt like I lost my creativity, energy and interest and just had to go through the motions and "plug away at the tasks" (BORING! :P) I am finally back on an amazing roll and FUN creative streak - not just in my business, but in my overall life. :-)

What changed?

I decided to take the 100 Day Challenge! You can't sign up anymore, it's already started. But you CAN still get the free Comeback Manifesto. I highly recommend it. Nothing got me fired up more than reading that ONE free download!!

Momentum, Energy & Motivation are KEY in my opinion.

It doesn't matter what you know or who you know, if you don't have the DRIVE to turn ideas into results. You can always learn the skills, find answers & solutions, get help with implementation, etc. It's that GRIT (sheer desire!) that puts wheels in motion - or gets them out of a rut. ;-)

I've been super focused on my goals and knocking out tasks left and right lately.

It always feels amazing when you get on a STREAK like that. You know the feeling - when you get back to the gym, when you go on a cleaning spree and clean & organize an entire space (or house!), when you dig in and FINISH a project.

There is absolutely nothing like that feeling...

I call it "high on life!" :-)

I have my hands in lots of fun creative projects at the moment - from testing and analyzing, to implementation & project completion. I can't wait to share more with you, especially what I learn and: the RESULTS.

One of the things I'm working is setting up aMember Pro as a foundation for my Private Brainstorming Group and training products. It's an amazing platform, but I was totally overwhelmed with it!

And as we all know, overwhelm = procrastination. :P

I finally got Member Skills which is a series of very short (perfect for my attention span, lol) step-by-step videos that are literally 3-5 minutes each. They break aMember Pro down into very simple step-by-step micro tasks that will have you up & running with your products and an affiliate program set up FAST. :)

If you're thinking about using aMember, or already are and you're stuck with it, I highly recommend Member Skills!

Which means...

Yes, I got it set up & installed!

The first thing I did was load up a free download for you. These 5 brainstorming worksheets are what I use with my consulting clients and members, and they were actually personal assets I used in my own business prior to that. I think you'll really enjoy them!

Free Download: Action Plan Brainstorming Worksheets

Once you download those five worksheets, you'll have an account on ClickNewz - which means you can sign up for the affiliate program. The link will be right there in your account.

I'm still working on loading up training products, more free downloads, cleaning up the backend and customizing it all, and restructuring my Private Brainstorming Group completely. Right now you can still join for $37/month, but I'm doing away with that option next week.

If you're interested in learning more, start by checking out some of the testimonials.

At the very least, grab your free download, sign up for the affiliate program if you want to get updates on those opportunities, and join us LIVE today to get an "inside look" at what I'm doing in my own niche. ;-)

Lynn Terry

p.s. Today at 10 AM Pacific / 1 PM Eastern I'm going live on Facebook with Alice Seba for a free event: Build Your Instagram Following and Turn Them into Buyers --- all great content and nothing to buy.

If you're interested in learning why Instagram is a platform you NEED to pay attention to and how to make the most of it, be sure to join us live today at ;-)